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Altered Destiny [v0.11c]


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Altered Destiny Download Game Final Walkthrough + Inc Patch Latest Version – You, MC and your best friend, Kimberly stumbles on ….

Developer: ICCreations Patreon
Censored: No
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English 
Genre: Adult, 3dcg, Male Protagonist, Big Ass, Big Boobs, Fantasy, Adventure, Superpowers, Milf, Animated, incest, Titfuck

Description Game

You, MC and your best friend, Kimberly stumbles on … artifacts. After touching you witness an unclear disaster event that takes place in the near future. Unbeknownst for that true meaning, both of you and then associated with another time line … almost two decades to the past. Even though you can freely travel between these two schedules in the same world, you must find ways to prevent disaster events lurking in front.


  • Two overworld hubs (past & now) you will be able to travel between the two at will.
  • Cast new characters, with some side characters that return from the previous game.
  • Various characters. Want each character feel unique than others.
  • A heavy story focuses on a big emphasis on the depth of the character.
  • Choice. Some are large, some small, but they will all be important in one way or another.
  • 1920×1080 image / animation resolution. Rise from Filf 1280×720.
  • Pecal. This character will be a guide for MC (past & now). Basically, instructions
    generator. To avoid confusion about what you have to do next.

Screenshots and Gameplay



Over 400 new, unique renders and nearly 40 new animations
New scenes focused on Julia, Penny, Olivia, Gwynn and Kimberly

Graphically updated:
– MC’s house
– Ice Cream Parlor in the Past
– Nadia’s tent
– Library
– School
– Gwynn’s House

You can now move to the next day of the week via the map (with some restrictions)
You can now move forward time within the location if you are able to visit it at a later time of the time

Fixed a bug that made the Perk (present) unavailable causing you to be unable to finish a specific Sketch Quest parody scene
Fixed a bug that wouldn’t let you upload the camping photo onto your computer
Now properly have Kimberly at two hearts after her scene on the beach (past)
Gwynn now trades you Olivia’s BB badge for the photo of her
Kimberly now works during every afternoon and skates in the evening
Renting the room in the past now only costs $100 down payment up from with Kassandra expecting payment at the end of the month
Fixed an issue that caused you to miss out on Natalie/Lily content if you saved Olivia before reaching a certain point within their scenes.
Added in the last animation and fixed a graphical error for the yoga scene animation.
Added deleted scenes within the ‘cheat’ section of your computer. Typing in “deleted” or “retired” should pop up the selection for you.
Kimberly now properly shows shorter hair within the Ice cream Parlor (Present).
Spelling and Grammar Fixes.

Over 500 new unique renders.
40 new animations.
New rendering system and post editing to give you a sharper, higher quality image for all new content here on out!
Progressed Romance paths for Natalie & Chloe.
Repeatable “Lewd Moments” added throughout the day for Natalie.
New ‘HHS’ Porno Scene.
New Drinks to buy at Ava’s Tavern. One Time Purchase Each.
Now that Natalie has gotten a little bit more romantic with the MC, her idles have fully been created.
Re-rendered all past school scenes featuring Natalie and introduced her future antagonist. (View them in the gallery if you are past this point in the story!)
New locations added to the map:
– Bowling Alley. A location to be associated with Olivia/Chloe in future updates.
– Olivia’s Home. Fully complete two-story modern home.
– Eastern Beach. The tourist trap of the town.
– Coffee Shop turned into the Ice-Cream Parlor after saving Olivia.

Three new females to romance in the future. (I don’t want to over-saturate the game’s woman count until others get their love, but when their introduction is tied to a main cast character’s story, it’s needed, heh.).

Updated the Phone and Gallery UI. Made the characters look less “mug-shotty”.

Quality of Life Changes:
– ‘unlockgallery’ cheat code can now be used BEFORE getting the good computer.
– You can now close the Phone and Backpack by clicking anywhere outside it’s UI

Bug Fixes:
– Fixed an issue with Perl’s idle at the lab. You can now have her explain how the artifact works once again.
– Fixed a graphic issue showing Olivia at the arcade in the past when she should have been at home painting with the others.
– Fixed a bug that let you constantly take the picture of Julia/Penny at the camping trip causing some errors.

The last animations have been added.
– One new story scene added to the beginning of the update.
– Content now starts via your bed instead out in the backyard.
– Fixed a bunch of spelling/grammar errors.
– A previous Gwynn story scene was added to the gallery.

– A big focus on the main story continuation leading to some rather important plot points
– Nearly 700 new unique renders
– Over 50 new animations. Both lewd and non-lewd
– New cheat code added. ‘unlockgallery’ to fully unlock everything within the scene gallery
– Very minor changes to previous story plot points:
– Gwynn now doesn’t specifically say what happened to Olivia. Only references death
– Nadia now mentions that you are unable to bring past timeline characters into the present
– Updated the visions you get of Olivia from previous scenes to reflect better on what
happens within the update.
– Updated the group beach picture of Olivia to match how it comes out in this update.
– Added in the Western Beach location for the Past time period.

Scene updated due to the location being changed.

Updated Nadia’s Park scene in the past due to the setting being improved upon.
Added in Quick Menu option. It can be enabled from the Preference screen.
Fixed a few graphical errors for Kassandra’s house at night.
You can now view the image on Kassandra’s hallway without an error.
Uploading photo’s the MC’s PC should display/work correctly.
The day of the week should now progress forward when going to sleep in the Past.
Fixed a layered screen bug when visiting the Restroom in the Arcade.
Nadia’s new option no longer screws up other quest progressing scenes.
Plenty of Grammar/Spelling fixes.

A big focus on main story content with the majority occurring in the past time period. Use the “!” and “Lewd” graphics on the map to guide you.
Gwynn Scene in the Present at her house.
Ava Scene in the Present at the Tavern.
Large set of constantly occurring scenes in the Past at your House.
Silvia/Kassandra Scene in the Past at Kimberly’s House.
Olivia Scene in the Past at the Arcade.
Julia/Penny Scene in the Past at the Park.
New location: Kassandra’s House.
Location based on Silvia and Kassandra’s Relationship Questline along with a place to pass time / move to the next day without needing to return to the Present.
Remade the Park location for both the Past and Present. The previous one just didn’t go with how I imagined it. Much bigger upgrade and hint towards V0.08 content.
Nadia can now unlock a “Missed Opportunities” option that focuses on experiencing and unlocking the alternative versions of how a scene will play out. Currently only one option is available, featuring Olivia.
Nadia now only helps you with Sketch Quest content outside of the main story as the “!” guides render her help rather useless.

– Fixed a bug that caused the new Perl scene to end IF you did the puzzle in v0.05
– Fixed a crash that was caused when reviewing Devin’s lewd library scene in the gallery
– Fixed a graphical error that didn’t display “Fri” in the UI in the past timeline

What’s New:
– Lewd scenes related to the side-story content in game
1) ‘HHS’ Intro set of scenes
2) Continuation of Perl’s transformation experiment
3) Devin’s repeatable option at the Library
4) Continued Natalie scene at the Camp-out scenario on the Event Planner
5) Julia option scene at the Camp-out scenario on the Event Planner
– Two new Locations added in game:
1) Surf’s Up Shop
2) Horny Harpy Studios
– Added a purchasable improved form of travel for the East side of town.
– Added a pictures button on your phone that stores images sent by your contacts.
– Removed relationship hearts for side characters. Only to be used for the main cast.
– Character portraits on the map will display a “Lewd” graphic next to them if you have a new
REPEATABLE lewd scene to experience at that time/place.
– EZMODE added! This is an option to players that wish to trivialize the mini-games you may
face from time to time. Activated via the preferences tab in the settings.
– The player now gets Olivia’s BB Badge returned to him when able to control his power.
– Idle conversations added for the Harpies for HHS. Will work on other placeholder idles soon.

– You weren’t able to revisit Silvia in the hot tub after the initial scene. Fixed
– If not taking a picture of Gwynn at night the first time given the option, it wouldn’t save the photo to your camera when attempting again. Fixed
– Some scenes that happened between going to sleep and waking up the next morning didn’t pass the day forward. Fixed
– Spelling/Grammar Errors

– Fixed a bug that prevented you from progressing if you spoke to Gwynn BEFORE meeting Perl in her lab
– Fixed a bug that sent you to the “pre change” version of your bedroom if you selected to rest and then selected “back”.
– Kim and Silvia’s animated idle while during the dishes code was mistakenly removed. It’s back now.
– Fixed a bug that gave an error when on the past overworld map during the night at the end of the update.
– At the end of the update, the past/present time of day and day of week should match. It wasn’t, and now it’s fixed.
– Fixed a handful of spelling/grammar errors
– These bugs were reported while I was adding in some of the last animated idles I needed to do, so now you will be able to find Perl and Natalie in the classroom when summer school starts


  • Continuation of the main storyline.
  • Introduction to Quest Side Silvia.
  • First Voice Actor – Small Sen Semanggi Sound. Currently voiced to get BB jewelry. Hope to have new voice actors added for each update.
  • A new sketch search scene to open.
  • First event planner scene.
  • Cellphones can be obtained.
  • New location in the present time: Park, Coffee Bar, West Coast
  • Your own customized photo gallery is added to your new computer. You will be able to capture obscene moments and save it to be displayed.
  • Secret photos are removed and replaced with a photo gallery. The same idea, but it’s harder.
  • Add music by my personal favorite artist, Kethe. Some instrumental and songs are added in the game with his blessings.
  • MC’s house has been fully renovated to fit the big changes that occur at the end of V0.02.
  • Simple relationship system has been applied. You will only go through the storyline of each character / main search to increase it. There is no milling.
  • Added in many idle contents to have characters that cannot be overcome in all parts today.
  • Gallery to replay all previous scenes
  • Computer button to change the name MC
  • Computer buttons to add cheat pair in the game
  • Search maid (! &?) From v0.02c now default to die. Type a particular cheat code to turn it on.
  • New imagutton helper added to UI. The mouse on it to help you distinguish what can be clicked and what doesn’t. Must help find smaller items on the screen easier.
  • Add two new animations to previous content. The first introduction to Penny and fell to the holy place of the artifact.
  • Music credit and sound actor credit added to the menu. Use it to check their items.
  • Like V0.02C. You can travel back to the Overworld map from any location. Except when it is blocked by search triggers.
  • You can also go straight back to your room via Overworld map. No need to navigate your home.
  • After returning, you can borrow Kimberly Skateboard, but its use will not be needed until V0.04.
  • Some east side map icons have been added, but only placeholders. One present at Gwynn’s house.

– You can now travel straight to the overworld map from anywhere, UNLESS
an event is to trigger on your way out.
– You can travel straight to your bedroom from the overworld map, UNLESS
an event is to trigger on your way in.
– There are now “!” and “?” indicators on the overworld map to help guide
you to where you need to go to progress the story.

How To Install Game Altered Destiny

  1. Extract
  2. Play the game

Altered Destiny Free Download

Update Only(v0.10c -> v0.11c): BUNKR – GOFILE – KRAKENFILES – MIXDROP – WORKUPLOAD
Android (v0.10c): GOFILE MEGA

Walkthrough: DIRECT LINK



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