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Crimson Veil [v5.5.1]


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Crimson Veil Download Game Final Walkthrough + Inc Patch Latest Version – is an RPG Maker game focused around vampires and temptation.

Developer: MKRUdesign – Patreon 
Censored: No
Version: 5.5.1
OS: Windows, Mac, Android
Language: English
Genre: Adult, RPG, 2D Game, 2DCG, Female Protagonist, Lesbian, Adventure, Monster, Transformation, Turn Based Combat, Rape, Pregnancy, Titfuck, Vaginal Sex

Description Game

Crimson Veil is an RPG Maker game focused around vampires and temptation. You play as Mila, a vampire hunter who harbors secret fantasies of being taken and turned into a vampire, but is conflicted with betraying her duty as a member of her guild, Noctorna. Join her fight against the forces of the night and protect humanity from the rising threat of the undead, or surrender and witness the myriad ways Mila falls to darkness and debauchery.

Screenshots and Gameplay

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Download Crimson Veil 
Download Crimson Veil 

•2 new contracts added to Vampire Route. (“The Heir in Hiding” and “Something Familiar About Her”)
•Clover was added as a playable partner.
•Summon Luna Skill added.
•Dual Crush skill added for Max Bond Level with all Pets.
•Holy Water, Purify, Holy Purify, and Magna Flash all give Vampirism Immunity for 1-2 turns after use.
•Vampire Route can now be selected from a New Game.
•Story Change warning now appears before entering Dorian’s Room for the First time in the Hunter Route.
•Berserker, Righteous Acolyte, Blast Chemist, and Edge Weaver enemy types have been added and replaced certain nameless Vampire Hunters.
•Additional skills and stat buffs added to various Pets.
•The White Knite is now invincible in her fight during chapter 3-V, but you get acknowledged for reaching a certain damage threshold.
•NPC “Jaclyn” name changed to “Velzea”. “Satan” name changed to “Sanguineus”
•Minor Bug fixes and additions to the Dev Room.
•8 Images added to Picture Gallery. (154 total)

•Minor Bug fixes
•Additional features in Dev Room.

•Chapter 3-V added to Vampire Route.
•Fallholt area, Casino, and Slime Arena areas added.
•Additional scene added to the end of Chapter 2-V.
•You can now warp to view a bond scene with a Pet when prompted.
•Pet Equipment is no longer locked, except for the accessory slots.
•Additional dialogue added to certain events when specific Pet is in your party.
•Level Cap added to training with Ophelia.
•Key phrases for clues are now highlighted in blue.
•Fixed glitch in chapter 2-V with a certain character stuck in front of your party member.
•Food items that provide buffs now also remove debuffs of the same stat.
•6 Images added to Picture Gallery. (146 total)

•Claudia now gives Mila the “Enhanced QTW” at the end of chapterV-1.
•Puzzle in Cabin 5B of the Ruddy Raider has been updated with additional hints.
•Misc Bug fixes.

•Contracts have been added to the vampire route, accessible after chapter 2-V. (“Terror of the Seas” and “Countess in Crimson”
•Pet System updated. Vicilla, Lauren, and Edith added as playable partners.
•New title screen after the start of the Vampire Route.
•12 Images added to Picture Gallery. (134 total)
•Vampire hunters are pushed back after escaping from battle.
•Food items are now limited to use outside of battle.
•Bat transformation skill adjusted, (No longer forced out of form when hit. Greater decrease to stats when in form.)
•Adjustments to enemy health and damage to accommodate partners.
•Blood skills have been adjusted in health cost and effectiveness.
•Fixed progress bug during the casino side quest in the main route.


•”Mind’s Eye” bug fixed Now provides weaknesses/resistance for all enemies.5.0

•Faye ultimate move damage fixed to not be overpowered in Chapter 1

•Unlimited “Count Vorigan’s Cane” glitch fixed.

•Critical Whip’s effect now only applies to Whip Strike Skill.

•Jewelry Shop prices adjusted.


•First half of chapter 5 added.

•“Mind’s Eye” item now gives data on all enemies in a battle.

•Bomb, Cross, and Axe skills have been adjusted.

•Dorian Quest can now be completed and boss fight has been rebalanced.

•2 additional quests added for Bianca, completing her story.

•Light Skills now have their own menu.

•Total amount of save slots increased from 30 to 50.

•Max level updated to 99

•11 new images added to the Picture Gallery.

•Ghoul Bad Ending art updated and redrawn.

•Equipment screen updated.

•Dev Room updated with additional tools and skips.

•Additional Autosave points added throughout quests.

•Misc Bug Fixes.

•Removed NPC blocking hallway in chapter 4 clinic.

•Contracts 12 & 13 added
•Baitelle side-quest added in Mor Town Tavern after chapter 3.
•Serenity Drug side activity added. Accessible after chapter 2 intro and during Viviene’s extended bad ending.
•Ghoul Bad Ending (MIla) updated to include extra art.
•Addicted and Cursed status added.
•Additional scenes with contract and plot relevant characters added before they are properly introduced to the player.
•Jessica can be interacted with in Viviene’s extended bad ending.
•Picture Gallery has 100 total pictures to unlock (Pic 92 currently not accessible except through the dev room).
•”Dual Lashings” skill damage adjusted and now requires 15 LP instead of 25. “Selfless Soul” now requires 25 LP instead of 20.
•Minimum enemy damage is now a fixed percent based on skill used instead of 1.
•Dorian’s Brides’ sprites updated.
•Added detail in certain maps.
•Additional autosave points added throughout quests.
•Misc. bug fixes.

•Top Patrons added as NPCs (check walthrough for details).
•Some spelling errors addressed.

•New Main Story chapter added.
•Lingrave Wastelands area added.
•Battle UI updated.
•Battle animations overhauled and now show when enemies attack.
•Narrative Mode added.
•Poison status effect now applies outside of battle.
•Prism Core item added. Permanently increases LP regeneration.
•Quest relevant NPCs now have a “…” above their heads.
•Illustration of Gabrielle biting Mila has been updated.
•Picture Gallery now has 91 total Pictures to unlock.
•Misc. bug fixes.

How To Install Game Crimson Veil

  1. Extract
  2. Play the game

Crimson Veil Free Download




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