v0.05.0 (16 Feb 2025)
– Added another scene for each of the 3 main neighbors
– You’ll now be able to enter Jun’s house any time after advancing enough in his questline
– The Brotherhood boss now has a name (Kane) and illustrations (the brat will be important later)
– Sleeping or reading May’s diary will now display the current day
– You can now buy condoms in the convenience store (tho they have no use yet)
– Sneakily updated Ember’s shorts in all illustrations to match her new slit shape (thought the clit buff was over?)
– Swapped the short nap and long sleep options when interacting with May’s bed at late hours for convenience
– Streamlined some of the game’s map transitions (no more redundant “head to the beach?” prompts)
– Minor fixes and changes
– Turtle
*Public release edits (23 Feb 2025)
– Fixed the issue where refusing Ember’s ride back to town leaves her sprite stuck on the screen
– Finally added a custom icon and executable to the game
– Fixed the bug where you’re unable to enter Jun’s bedroom during sunset
– The all content notice message will no longer check for Jun’s secret scene at the beach
– Fixed typos and minor issues
v0.04.3 (30 Nov 2024)
– Added another stage to Betty’s questline (1 major scene and 3 repeatable jobs)
– The foot cleaning and body massage scenes will change after you’ve already paid Betty 500$ and 1000$ respectively
– You can now sleep in Betty’s house instead of needing to go back home (and take a bath together while at it)
– Added Betty’s main scenes to the recollection room
– The game will now attempt to only play the “all content finished” notice once per update (expect inconsistencies)
– Updated the rest of Ember’s illustrations to account for her clit buff (and labia too – yes, this is a thing and it’s very important)
– You can now check the hour on clocks inside many buildings
– Added a few more reactions for May being naked at the beach and Betty’s house
– Minor fixes and changes
*Fanbox fixes:
– Fixed a bug that made it so, if you had rejected Betty’s 3rd main job once, the recollection room would give you the punishment every time
– Fixed the bug where May’s portrait stays after talking to the well-endowed man
– Fixed incorrect dialogue and basic typos in some of Betty’s scenes
v0.04.2 (22 Sep 2024)
– Added Betty’s questline, accessible east of the beach
– Fixed the bug whereas kissing Baobao in the restaurant will reset May’s kiss count to 1, instead it will increase it by 1 as intended
– Removed the HP, MP and TP gauges from the pause menu as they have no use in this game
– Sneakily buffed Ember’s clit again (I swear this is important!)
– Automatically reverts May’s lv back to 11 when entering town (there was previously a bug that made her lv 1)
– Minor changes and fixes
*Fanbox fixes:
– Fixed a bug where failing to properly wash Betty’s panties once made you fail in all future attempts regardless
v0.04.1 (30 Jun 2024)
– Added icemega’s character Earlette and a short collab quest with her into the game (accessible from the city park)
– The arcade in the city is now accessible (though you won’t be able to play any games yet)
– Fixed the bug in which May’s Diary didn’t properly keep track of the Gropers’ questline progress
– Increased the number of save slots from 20 to 100 (99 + autosave)
– Added a “text speed” option to the menu
– May will now no longer be lv 1 after becoming a “Curious Girl”
– May can no longer drink orange juice if she isn’t in her default outfit
– You will no longer see the bus leaving at night
– Several minor fixes and changes
v0.04.0 (26 May 2024)
– The beach area is now accessible if you wear any swimsuit
– You can now borrow Abby’s bikini if you’ve tried it in her questline before
– May’s Diary will now make it clear how much of a questline is available
– Different soundtrack will play in the city and beach now
– The frilly bikini and cheap bikini now look slightly different
– You can now visit the beach at sunset and night
– Added animals and more filler NPCs to the city area
– Minor changes
* Public Release changes (02 Jun 2024):
– Restaurant scenes will now be shorter the 2nd time forward after the update
– Scenes where May pees will actually empty her bladder now
– Slightly buffed Ember’s clit (you heard me right)
– Minor changes
v0.03.1 (07 Apr 2024)
– 2 random scenes with Baobao may now play if you find her serving one of the tables
– You can now check the sign in front of the 3 main neighbors’ house for a hint/reminder of where to find them at the moment
– May’s diary now tracks how much she’s earned from working in the restaurant
– Added the “Pepper Spray” item to the convenience store, used to avoid some of the Gropers scenes
– Ember will now give you 1 Pepper Spray for free after you meet her at the convenience store
– The fitting room in the clothing shop now works
– The clothing shop clerk will now react if May buys the expensive Frilly Bikini
– Updated the art on one of the restaurant’s scenes so May steps on the table barefoot
– Updated the design of the micro bikini
– Fixed the bug whereas you weren’t returned to the Recollection Room after replaying Jun’s third scene
– Fixed a bug that bugged the progression out if Jun is the 3rd character you talk to during the tutorial
* Public Release fixes (14 Apr 2024):
– Fixed a bug that made the vendor’s reaction to May buying the Frilly Bikini play wrong
– Fixed a bug where leaving the clothing shop’s fitting room could lead to bugs regarding what May is wearing
– Changed the skip to hide the textbox from Ctrl/Alt to Tab
– May’s Diary now keeps track of how many times May has been seen nude in public
v0.03.0 (17 Mar 2024)
– The city is expanded after the 2nd day
– The clothing shop is now open for purchasing the bikini
– Working part time as a waitress is now a feature
– 3 new Gropers scenes
– You can now use vending machines to buy juice
– May can now pee herself or use the toilet
– You can now find the “May’s Diary” item in her room
– You can now check several game statistics from May’s diary
– Added a recollection room for viewing scenes again, available from May’s Diary
v0.02.1 (10 Feb 2024)
– Added a reminder when May wakes up at night from a short nap of where to find Jun, if they’re in the middle of his second quest
– Updated some artwork
– Fixed typos
– Other minor changes to existing content
v0.02.0 (04 jan 2024)
– Added one new scene for the 3 main neighbors (Abby, Ember and Jun)
– Added the first bed masturbation scene
– Added the short nap feature, which lets you advance time a little bit at a time
– Fixed the bug that makes the game think May is always naked when trying to leave home during the prologue
– Minor changes
v0.01.1 (10 jan 2024)
– Fixed a bug that allows you to go to town early and break the game’s progression, thus making it impossible to sleep at sunset
– Fixed typos
– Fixed a few illustrations
– Minor changes
v0.01 (06 jan 2024)
– Initial early access release