Download Monster Girl Dreams Mod Apk + Free PC Windows, Mac, Android
Monster Girl Dreams Download Game Final Walkthrough + Inc Patch Latest Version – In Monster Girl Dreams you play as a male adventurer, freshly graduated from the adventuring school, Adventum!
Developer/Publisher: Threshold
Censorship: No
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English
Genre: Adult, Text Based, Male Protagonist, RPG, Monster Girls, Femdom, Turn Based Combat, Rape
Description Game
Monster Girl Dreams is a text-based BFRPG made in Ren’Py. (BF means battle making love.)
This game is currently in alpha and is in active development, and while mainly text-based there is character art for many beautiful women in games.
Erotic content contained with especially vanilla, M / F, femdom, and of course monster girls.
In the monster girl dream you play as a male adventurer, just graduated from adventure school, Adventum!
Now you have to dare to cross the continent of the home of the Girls Monsters, Lucidia, in an effort to become rich, or make love to submission. Also defend the Queen of Satan. Maybe.
Screenshots and Gameplay

v26.6 Changelog
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it’s patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they’re safe.
- You can now go on a not-so-spooky adventure with Perpetua to recruit ghosts to Sleim Vllge! Completing it also unlocks new items at Silver’s shop. You can’t yet visit the ghosts once the quest is complete. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
- Trisha now has a new ‘Carrying fuck.’ option upon defeating her when sparring at night. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
- Ancilla’s services now include a ‘Pampering service.’ option, featuring several non-lewd relaxing scenes. By Valentin Cognito, edited by Threshold.
- Bed-chan now has a sex CG, which is used in her scene where you sleep in her then later try to get up. Art by ADOPOLICH.
- Tweaked the names of menu options when getting a meal from Trisha.
- Edited the Forest Tutorial event and Stop The Vandal quest at the start of the game for added information, lore, and characterization. By Valentin Cognito, edited by Threshold.
- The Slime Queen’s Parade minigame is even fasterest than the last upgrade, by using more efficient movement checks and telling the slimes to bounce in the gpu instead. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- Jumbo Mint Choco Chip Clarity Cookie now removes Charm and Sleep in addition to Trance.
- Relaxi Appel Jelly removes 50% of your Arousal down from 75%, but now also removes Charm and Aphrodisiac.
- Fresh Appel now removes Aphrodisiac, restores 50 Energy up from 25, and costs 250 Eros down from 500.
- CritChanceBoostSelf now works as follows, for the sake of clarity: positive numbers increase the crit chance on self, while negative numbers decrease said crit chance.
- Fixed Ancilla getting miffed at you for no reason if you picked her new service scene then left afterwards. By Valentin Cognito.
- Fixed using the Temple shortcuts not changing the Temple background.
- Fixed a missing orgasm call in the Imp Den’s wakeup BJ scene.
- Fixed Ceris having incorrect stand-in calls for her sex CG expressions.
- Flipped the Temple main hall background to be more accurate to the Temple’s layout.
- Fixed a crash related to image changes when hidingCombatEncounter was turned on. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- Fixed the Hearty Meal Food Perk not getting removed when gaining another Food Perk.
- Fixed a bug that would cause the map to display the name of a location that’s not available yet. By Threshold and feltcutemightcleanlater.
- Strange Collar is now properly tagged as a Collar for related scenes.
- Potentially fixed a rare end-of-combat crash. Maybe.
- The currently unused ChangeErosByPercent function now properly adds and subtracts from your money by the percentage instead of setting your money to that percentage.
- The following Perks/status effects/Equipment now properly increase your chance to be critted, instead of lowering it: Touch of Ecstasy, Curry and Catastrophe Special, Taunted, Gilded Infatuation, Gilded Captivation, Gilded Enchantment, and Ninja Suit.
- Tweaked the “Report about the candy.” menu in Elly’s quest so it doesn’t overflow into the text box.
- Assorted typo fixing and editing.
v26.5 Changelog
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it’s patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they’re safe.
- Ancilla now has a ‘Helpless domination service’ scene in her services menu. By Valentin Cognito, edited by Threshold.
- There is now a double bubble slime scene at the inn, which has a chance to occur when working at the bar or as a waiter. By Oluap, edited by Threshold and Valentin Cognito.
- Trisha’s following conversations have been tuned up for consistency and clarity on her situation, as well as general improvements to her events’ organization and logic: ‘Call her out on her scheme.’ and ‘About the food.’, as well as ‘About the inn.’ and ‘Free room and board?’ after you’ve revealed she’s a succubus. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
- Trisha has the following new conversation options: ‘Do you have any hobbies?’, ‘Tea Parties?’, and ‘Ars Delusia?’, as well as an ‘Intimacy.’ menu. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
- Once you’ve taken Trisha’s deal, you can now get a Hearty Meal from her, which gives you a food perk intended for the early parts of the game. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
- Trisha now has a ‘Cuddle Fuck’ scene available when she ambushes you in bed, provided you have agreed to her deal (and didn’t fall over from aphrodisiac-laden cooking). By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
- A new dream scene has been added, featuring Trisha. It has a chance to occur once you’ve agreed to her deal and have substantial progress with her. By Valentin Cognito, edited by Threshold.
- Elena has 3 new expressions: SmileContent, LickLips, and Kiss. These have been added to her existing scenes wherever relevant. Art by Jiffic.
- There is now a night version of the world map. Art by Jiffic. Implemented by feltcutemightcleanlater and Threshold.
- The Will-Power Temple now has its own background. Art by Houra.
- Ceris now has a cowgirl position CG, which is used in a number of her scenes. Art by Elakan.
- Energy gains and losses from eating food or sleeping during the Mysterious Inn event are now percent-based rather than flat values, in general making the event more consistently dangerous and rewarding, provided your max Energy is higher than 50 or 100.
- The Tied to Bed effect in the Mysterious Inn had its base durability increased from 15 to 20, and the Drugged Food effect now lasts 30 turns up from 15.
- Trisha now levels up from lvl 5 up to a max lvl of 15 based on progress with her. Progress is gained from feeding her via her sex scenes in general. Also, the scenes available upon beating her now give a bit more progress.
- You can now opt out of the generic lizard girl’s sex scene when you beat her in the Sex stance.
- The ‘Skip the meal’ option in Trisha’s event is now called ‘Skip the meal and go to bed.’ to clarify what it does.
- The world map is now compatible with keyboard and gamepad. By feltcutemightcleanlater, with troubleshooting from Threshold.
- Applied VFX to some of Ceris’ existing content.
- Ensured better copy-paste support in input boxes from Renpy SDK bump. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- Text to Speech no longer lists off the player’s stats and current time when advancing through dialogue. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- Imp Den lewds now make use of the new image functions to improve performance. Combat does not benefit. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- Added triggersOnce key to EndOfRound and StartOfRound line triggers, for preventing subsequent calls of the function. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- Added ForEvery and ForSpecific subfunctions to ChangeImageLayer, for making mass layer changes in a single function call. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- Added basic automated Night icon effect for mod locations. See the modding docs for instructions and resources on manual night icons. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- The validator was overhauled again for further improved performance, reduced to roughly 30% overhead compared to disabled. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- Added ttf and otf font file extraction support to the in-game mod menu, for mods using custom fonts. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- The Livewire rut scene now has an extra music change, for variety and signaling the end of the scene.
- Autosaves will no longer sometimes add in a bunch of blank empty files to your auto saves. Fixed by a Renpy update.
- Fixed long menu option buttons (like in the tavern nightlife menu) ending up bunched together instead of being spaced out properly. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- Using any skill can no longer ‘break’ restraints, causing weird unintended issues.
- Struggling Defence perk now actually works.
- Fixed a bunch of old jank in the Mysterious Inn event file. No bugs, just internal jank.
- The title text snippets now don’t overextend off the sides. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- Fixed a display issue for healing estimations from items after using skills. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- Fixed a bug where, in rare cases, clicking the hovering monster tooltip in combat would cause the game to auto select a combat event menu option.
- Assorted typo fixing and editing.
v26.1a Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it’s patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they’re safe.
- Fixed ticket variable using the old one and not the new one causing a crash if you’ve never played the slime parade game. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- Mod menu drag and drop now copies rather than moves files to improve file permission compatibility. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- Repeat Beris brothel visits now properly swap to an inn room BG.
- Order a Shot Glass of Angel Ambrosia. scene now properly swaps from the bar BG to the player room BG.
- Small typo fixes.
v26.1 Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it’s patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they’re safe.
- Sofia’s third fight’s second phase now has an ass focused follow up to enslaving embrace, similar to the kiss and breast focused versions, including a specific loss scene if you lose to it. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
- Ceris now has a ‘I feel like I need a shower or a bath…’ option/scene in the third phase of her sex rotation in her room when you’re winding down. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
- If you have Stella’s Bag with you, a scene can now occur in the player’s room whenever you sleep there until morning. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
- Nova now has a Thighjob scene. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
- A long shift at Venefica’s now has a new scene called ‘Milk me with your mouth!’ as an ending option. By Threshold, edited by Valentin Cognito.
- Lovol now has a pussy eating scene in the arcade if you’ve done her handjob scene at the kiosk, the new scene triggers at a random chance when you leave. By Valentin Cognito, edited by Threshold.
- Lovol now has a titfuck scene in the arcade if you ask her for it if you’ve done her handjob scene at the kiosk. By Valentin Cognito, edited by Threshold.
- The inn’s lobby with Vivian now has its own background. By Houra.
- Added save sync feature, allowing transfer of all saves between devices in one pass code, including between desktop and mobile platforms. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- NOTE: Ren’Py Sync is a new feature for MGD, and so the game might not gracefully handle switching between desktop and android in some situations. You may want to wait a minor patch or two before using it. If you do try it, please report any issues you run into.
- Downloading in the mod menu from a URL has been improved with responsive step-by-step feedback through its interface. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- You can now drag and drop a mod .zip file from your desktop onto the game window while in the Downloads section of the mod menu. This will place it in your mods folder. You still need to press ‘Install’! By feltcutemightcleanlater.
Slime Parade Minigame
- Completely overhauled how the slime parade minigame internals for better performance, also removing the jarring stutter. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- Fruit in slime parade now have an animation when appearing. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- You can no longer input your parade into the opposite direction you’re moving and cause a game over. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- Tweaked the speed intervals for progression, and as the game progresses it now overall moves faster.
- More fruit now appear on screen as the game progresses.
- Added IfDifficultyIs function, checking if the difficulty matches the given value. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- Added NoExp Perk Type, which disables all types of exp gain from winning and losing. Use it carefully. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- Fixed input persisting to the map menu while viewing the character menu on Android. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- The tooltip for defense down and up effects properly reflects increases/decreases.
- Fixed an incorrect call for the imp’s guy silhouette layers.
- Berri Cherri Jelly now actually heals your energy instead of your arousal.
- Fixed a call for a random shuffle in the menu command using an outdated version of the function causing crashes.
- May have fixed an issue where gridmap inputs were still getting registered after leaving the gridmap eventually leading to an overflow in the system and crashing, requires you to go into a grid map again or just in and out of town square.
- Small tweak to Venefica’s phase transition that should make it so the song swap doesn’t get skipped, and should also be more dramatic for the scene.
- Fixed an issue that a character image could linger on screen when using a shortcut on the power side of the temple.
- Mobile has the ensured capability to rename saves again after an oversight. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- Fixed status effect text not being sent to the character menu dialogue box on hover. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- Fixed assorted typos and editing fixes.
v25.8a Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it’s patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they’re safe.
Notice from v25.6 : Due to changes, your text History will be cleared when updating an older save. Do not panic, this will have no effect on your save.
- Fixed an issue where the game could crash if you went straight to exploring after skipping the intro.
- Fixed a crash when starting the gridmap if you’ve never been on a gridmap prior.
- Fixed a crash related to enemies struggling out of stances.
- Fixed a crash related to the player struggling out of stances.
- Fixed an issue where clicking/tapping anywhere on a gridmap would proc a tile event if you were on one, such as a trap, which could lead to a number of accidental lewds.
- Tabitha’s silhouette no longer has bits of her normal art peeking through in her initial intro.
- Fixed using gridmap interact actions [like triggering a trap intentionally, or the door] not making the npcs move after that.
- Fixed mods adding new victory scenes to monsters through additions to monsters who have 0 scenes not actually playing the added scenes.
- Assorted typo and editing fixes.
v25.8 Change Log
Remember to load your save from the town square.
Also be sure to always install the game into a fresh folder unless it’s patch data to avoid weird issues. Saves are kept in a separate location so they’re safe.
Notice from v25.6 : Due to changes, your text History will be cleared when updating an older save. Do not panic, this will have no effect on your save.
- Ushris now has a few new fluff conversations (accessible via the “Ask more about her.” talk option), one of which unlocks a footjob scene. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.
- Ambrosia now has a number of fluff conversations, a Slippery Sixty-Nine scene, and an option that unlocks a chance to fuck her while she’s sleeping upon visiting her. By Threshold. Edited by Valentin Cognito.
- Scenes for Ambrosia called ‘Lazily lie together and let her slime suck you off.’ and ‘Languid Lovemaking.’ added. By Valentin Cognito. Edited by Threshold.
- Ceris now has a CG of her pressing her breasts against glass for her pink tile temptation event. By Elakan.
- Tuned up how the auto save logic works a bit. Given MGD has a lot of choice pop ups, it no longer triggers during those every time, and should instead do it on its own every 150 interactions, or whenever you close the game.
- Added the ForceAutoSave function [Modders can use this too!], and added one call to Rika’s convo scene in order to ensure players have a backup save for reasons.
- Save and Load screen confirmation prompts now clearly state you are Overwriting/Loading instead of vaguely saying Yes/No, in order to help avoid accidentally being on the wrong screen. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- The Quick Menu “Toggle” behavior, found in the Quick Menu settings (via Options), has been improved. It will now automatically close the Quick Menu upon pressing a Quick Menu button (excluding skip). By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- The Quick Menu toggle button has been visually updated, primarily to be less distracting on mobile, in order to better fit its purpose. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- WASD can now be used as an alternative to the arrow keys anywhere. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- You can now use a dpad and joystick on the gridmap. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- Character menu confirmation prompts have been revamped to grab focus, have less vague names for buttons, and use more consistent styling that is also easier to press on mobile. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- Nara’s no-stance loss scene has been gone over with a tune up editing pass by Valentin Cognito.
- Evasion now caps at 50%.
- Beris can no longer spam her restraint Skills while you’re still immune to restraints… excluding her super rush moves which can still occur in unfortunate situations.
- Deep Fish traded in to Seafoam are now only worth 200 instead of 300 so as not to break economics if you buy a bunch from Silver and then give them to the village.
- Monsters are now able to try and escape from single stances in situations where they are adverse to that one stance for some reason.
- Spank is now available against monsters in the titfuck or blowjob stance, cause why not.
- Auria’s Perk now properly tells you how much money it’s taking in exchange for its benefits. By Valentin Cognito.
- In rare instances where you’re restrained, Ushris no longer dodges attacks you can’t make.
- Fixed an issue where the very first .json event file loaded in would do weird stuff when using certain functions related to the call scene and return stuff. By feltcutemightcleanlater+Thresh.
- Berri Cherri Jelly now recovers 50% of your energy instead of 100%.
- [DamageToEnemy] can no longer double print crit and weak/resist text in some instances.
- Fixed an issue where sometimes [SexWord] and [SexAdjective] would not display anything.
- Fixed various scenarios where the in-game mod installer couldn’t download a mod from Github and other websites, most notably by allowing for unknown file sizes on download. By feltcutemightcleanlater.
- Fixed a bug where, if you had a skill or equipment confirm open in the character menu, you could go back at any time to use it, even in situations where that would be unavailable, such as mid-combat, allowing you to get a free heal.
- When the player is in multiple stances against one monster and chooses to struggle against only one of them, that one’s stance’s hp pool will be correctly damaged instead of damaging all the stances.
- Fixed an issue where the player being afflicted with Stun, Restraint, and similar effects didn’t let monsters escape stances instantly when they tried.
- Fixed characters with Perks that make them adverse to certain stances being totally fine with being in the stance if it was ordered differently, eg [Sex, Making out] ok, [Making out, sex] escape! So now they always do it.
- Overlimit’s debuff now refreshes properly whenever you use it, instead of the prior debuff staying with its duration if it was active.
- Fixed a crash in the blowjob from Imp scene (the one happening during the Ancilla cleaning stuff) if you had low Virility.
- When fighting the Imp den in separate groups, the proper song now plays the entire time for each battle.
- Shizu’s Punishment Training now clears Arousal and such with an orgasm call.
- The little hovering thing for the Labyrinth now resets when you trigger an event, so it’s not being highlighted when your mouse is no longer pointing at it.
- When in the grid map, tile events will now properly trigger even if you triggered an npc event, meaning you can no longer run into Beris or Ushris on a tile that would restore your line of sight, leaving things dark when you should be able to see in phase 1.
- Tuned up a bunch of movement animations when event triggers are involved while on the grid map.
- Fixed an issue where StanceStruggleFree, StanceStruggleComment, and StanceStruggleFail lines were not being called correctly when the highest priority stance for dialogue wasn’t first in the monster’s current stances, leading to some weirdness like the blue slime CG staying on screen, as well as weird lines, when struggling from all stances.
- Minor touch ups to some of the character bubbles on the main menu to fix small errors.
- Trading in a lot of item fish (like over 700) to Seafoam should no longer cause the game to detect an infinite loop. Probably.
- There should no longer be a niche crash situation when a status effect misses a monster that is resistant to the effect.
- Assorted typo and editing fixes.
How To Install Game Monster Girl Dreams
- Extract
- Play the game
Monster Girl Dreams Free Download
Walkthrough: OFFICIAL