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Netorare God: Netorase Devil [v0.6a]


Download Netorare God: Netorase Devil Mod Apk + Free PC Windows, Mac, Android

Netorare God: Netorase Devil Download Game Final Walkthrough + Inc Patch Latest Version – A young man who spends all his time reading light novels while trying to forget..

Developer: CulturedGamer Patreon
Version: 0.6a
OS: Windows, Mac
Language: English
Genre: Adult, 2DCG, 2D Game, Male protagonist, MILF, Big tits, Big ass, Blackmail, Exhibitionism, Male Domination, Oral Sex, Voyeurism, Corruption, Interracial, Humiliation, Groping, Masturbation, Teasing, Handjob, Cheating, Virgin, Netorare, Netorase, Adventure, Combat, Fantasy, Humor, PoV, Rpg

Description Game

A young man who spends all his time reading light novels while trying to forget his horrible life suddenly finds himself waking up in a fantasy world. Will he be able to use all his knowledge of anime tropes to create a harem like all his favourite protagonists, or will he still end up being a loser?​

Developer Notes:
Hey, thanks for checking out the demo for the game. There are only three scenes at the moment: a handjob scene, a masturbation scene, and a stealth groping scene, so while it’s not a lot, it will give you a good idea of what you can expect in the future.

Screenshots and Gameplay

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Netorare God Free Download

V0.6-0.6a Update

Netorare God; Netorase Devil V0.6a Patch Notes:

 Fixed issues with the new scenes not showing correctly in the gallery.
Bugfix: Fixed issue with incorrect images showing up for save files.

Netorare God; Netorase Devil V0.6 Patch Notes:

 A couple new scenes.
Added: Two spicy animated scenes (one is an addition to the latest Embrya scene that wasn’t finished in time for the last update).
Added: A couple new quests.
Added: A couple new items to collect for quests.
Added: And more.

V0.5-5.0b Update

Netorare God; Netorase Devil V0.5b Patch Notes:
 Fixed text wrapping in a lot of the new scenes.
Bugfix: Fixed dialogue wheel not disappearing when talking to Saphira.
Bugfix: Fixed Renfrey mention in “Special Cargo” scene if quest hasn’t been completed prior.

Netorare God; Netorase Devil V0.5a Patch Notes:
 Fixed potential game soft-lock when entering Flower Demon’s Grotto.
Bugfix: Fixed prisoners sprite flickering in Riverside Cave.
Bugfix: Fixed Vermen AI in Riverside Cave.
Bugfix: Fixed bug allowing player to repeat “Consolation Prize” scene with Ranfrey.
Bugfix: Fixed “Nocturnal Happenings” quest from stopping player’s progress.

Netorare God; Netorase Devil V0.5 Patch Notes:
We’ve spent a bit of time trying to improve performance; it can be a bit tricky to get extra performance out of RPGMaker, but running on our own machines, we’ve been able to get at least an extra 10-15 FPS, so hopefully the game will run a bit better on those older PC’s.
Added: A couple new scenes.
Added: Two spicy animated scenes.
Added: A couple new quests.
Added: A couple new items to collect (started to add alchemy-related items for later).
Added: 3 new locations: Embrya’s Workshop, Tradehouse-Upstairs, Riverside Cave.
Added: And more.

V0.4 Update

Netorare God; Netorase Devil V0.4 Patch Notes:

 There is a bug when accessing the player’s quest journal that if their cursor is hovering the complete quests tab(Yellow banner) when closing the journal they cannot move.

If you have this issue open your journal and switch to active quests (Red Banner) and make sure cursor is not hovering the complete quests(Yellow Banner).

Bugfix: Some blank placeholder items being picked up in the sewer.

Bugfix: The Wrong parallax layers showing in Smallwood causing the player to walk over roofs instead of under them.

Bugfix: The verman in the flower demon’s grotto not glowing correctly to indicate they’re holding the Aetherkynd stone.

Added: You can now take Saphira into combat.

Added: New Saphira Battle Standby Images( Dressed, Dishevelled, Exposed, Vulnerable, Panties, Birthday suit).

Added: New Saphira Battle Attack Images ( Dressed, Dishevelled, Exposed, Vulnerable, Panties, Birthday suit).

Added: New Saphira Battle Climax Image. (1 Generic Climax Image).

Added: New Saphira Strip Image. (1 Generic Clothes Stripping Image).

Added: Enemies can now use Dirty Talk, Insult, Grope & Tear Clothes on Saphira.

Added: New Lewd Battle Grope Images (Mouth, Armpit, Bust, Abs, Groin, and Butt).

Added: A New Location.

Added: And more.

Netorare God; Netorase Devil V03b Patch Notes:

 Alyswynn(Adventurer’s Guild Quest Giver) not showing up and giving access to quests.

Bugfix: Scene: Second Night no longer repeats after seeing it once.

Bugfix: Farandril no longer repeating older scenes and showing up incorrectly.

Netorare God; Netorase Devil V03a Patch Notes:

 Fixed black screen when sleeping in bed.

Netorare God; Netorase Devil V03 Patch Notes:

Bugfix: Floating pouch when accepting the stele reward from Ranfrey.

Bugfix: Verman no longer drops unlimited Aetherkynd Stones.

Reworked: We’ve started reworking the dialogue system to be more visually pleasing as well as easy to understand for the player which routes they want to progress.

Added: An overworld has been added allowing the player to travel between locations.

Added: A new character to the main cast, Embrya the blacksmith.

Added: A Couple new scenes.

Added: A new animated scene.

Added: A new background.

Added: A new location.

Added: And more.

V0.2 Update
 Combat has been reworked into a paper scissors rock type system where you can do bonus damage or be reflected based on the stance the enemy is using and what attack you’re trying to hit them with.
Reworked: The first dungeon has been reworked, so the door is towards the start of the dungeon, which makes a lot more sense.
Reworked: New artwork for slime monsters.
Reworked: New artwork for the sewer rats. (They’re actually rats now.)
Reworked: A new sprite for Ranfrey has been added.
Added: A teleporter has been added to the training map with Saphira, so you can quickly teleport back to town.
Added: A couple new scenes.
Added: A new animated scene.
Added: A New Background.
Added: New Combat Images (Bryan).
Added: And more.

V0.1 Update

V0.065 Update

Netorare God; Netorase Devil V0.065a Patch Notes:

Reworked: 45+ pages of new and reworked dialogue to smooth out the introduction and set up the prologue for the game, as well as the routes between heroines and villains.

Reworked: The day night cycle has been split into morning, day, evening and night. Most events can only take place during a certain time period.

Added/Reworked: 20+ New and Reworked Maps!

Added: Overworld Map with two locations (Smallwood Village, Green Hat Academy).

Added: 50+ Unique Images (Including New Scenes and Backgrounds)

Added: 5 Background Images (Player’s Bedroom, Tarsha’s Bedroom, Albus’s Potion Shop, Vine Wall, Albus’s Studio).

Added: 5 New Scenes (Getting Ready For Work, A Good View, Another Man’s Treasure, Between A Thigh and a… Well Another Thigh, The “Shaft”).

Added: 1 Properly Animated Scene (first time using animated artwork, so let us know what you think).

Added: 9 Lewd Cut-In Images During Combat.

Added: 3 Partially Animated Images During Combat.

Added: 1 Defeat Scenario For Losing In Combat.

Re-Added: All the scenes from the original demo are now accessible from the scene replay menu.

V0.050a Update

Netorare God; Netorase Devil V0.050a Patchnotes:

Bugfix: Academy door sending the player to random locations.

Bugfix: Re-enabling the ability for the player to change the relationship of the “Landlady” to the player.

Bugfix: Roland not referring to the player’s new name if they choose to rename.

V0.050 Update

Hey there, fellow cultured gamers!

The latest update is now here! 
This update is focused on reintroducing some of the content from the original demo with one of the secondary heroines, Esthar, introducing a new villain, a couple of new scenes, and an actual replay system to replay scenes from the game with dialogue and audio, which can be accessed from the player’s bed.

One of the old scenes from the demo is back in the game and accessible through the new replay system as well.

As well as laying the groundwork for the next update, which should be a big one as it’ll focus primarily on Saphira, starting to develop some of her routes and random events.

Once again, thanks for your patience and support. We really appreciate it!

There is a quest in the player’s journal with a list of current events and information on how to access the replay system. You can also check the CG gallery from the main menu to see if you’ve missed any scenes.


Old saves may not be compatible with the current version of the game.


Netorare God; Netorase Devil V0.050 Patchnotes:

Reworked: The party system has been revamped! Party members may comment on their surroundings and gossip with the protagonist. You can turn it down or off from the party menu [Hotkey ‘V‘]. You can toggle the party menu by pressing the heart icon (top right).

Continued: The main story has been continued to introduce some of the new characters as well as the locations.

Added: Actual Replay System. Scenes can now be replayed through the replay room accessable from the player’s bed during the evenings.

Added: A new heroine is unlocked! Esthar, the Ice Queen, has come to the town of Wyrdwood in search of something and will be teaching at the academy while she stays.

Added! A new villain is unlocked! Varrick, the pretty boy, is a young noble brat who’s always teasing the protagonist and has an unhealthy obsession with his “landlady”.

Added: 2 background images (Merit Hall, Lecture Hall)

Added: 3 new scenes (The Popular Kid, The Ice Queen, and All For A Hug)

Added: 3 new maps (Academy Library, Academy Merit Hall, and Academy Aether Halls).

Added: Morning/Day/Night System! As certain events are played time moves forwards, some scenes can only be seen at certain times, and depending on if you’re solo or in a party.

Added: Esthar has a new default outfit and pose!

Added: Varrick has a new default outfit and poses!

Re-Added: The Saphira lake masturbation scene has been added back, but only as a replay accessed from the replay room in the player’s bedroom.

Bugfix: There is a menu highlight to better see what is being selected or hovered during menus.

v0.045b Update

Hey there, fellow cultured gamers!

The update is finally here!
 It’s been a rough two months trying to basically remake the game from scratch, but it was necessary for the health of the game. Unfortunately, that means there isn’t as much progress in the way of story or scenes for this update, which we’re terribly sorry about.

So we’ve hired some additional writers to help speed up the process of putting out new content going forwards.

Please enjoy what we do have to offer, though! And if you’re holding off until there’s more content, that’s fine too. Either way, we appreciate the support!

The game’s had a considerable rework
 to the story and routes to give players more of an open experience where you can choose which routes to progress, but still at this point in the game it will still feel fairly linear as there isn’t a lot of side content to do.

A lot of complaints from the original demo should now be rectified, such as being unable to save and load, not being able to use a mouse to move, and the way maps generally didn’t look that great.

There is now a gallery so players can revisit previous scenes as well as other goodies they might find throughout the game.

There isn’t any combat in this update as we’ve decided to rework the combat a bit, which hopefully will be back in one of the next updates when there are quests for the player to do.

This is basically a completely new game so old saves will not be compatible at all.

The old demo will stay up for those that want to experience those scenes as they haven’t been incorporated into the new game yet.


Netorare God; Netorase Devil V0.045 Patchnotes:


Added NPC to indicate end of current content.

Updated title screen image.

Update V0.045a

Reworked: The main story has been considerably reworked to be separated from the routes, giving the player the freedom to choose what they want to progress through and when.

Reworked: The game’s dialogue has been heavily rewritten, especially concerning the point of view. Going forwards, all dialogue will be strictly from the first person perspective during scenes where the protagonist is involved, with only his own inner monologue being heard.

Added: A new heroine is unlocked! Tarsha, the landlord, now lives with the protagonist.

Added: 2 background images (The Front Yard, Academy Interior)

Added: 3 New Scenes (Meeting Tarsha, Meeting Saphira, Meeting Crowley, Meeting Roland and Saphira’s Debt With Crowley)

Added: 8 New Maps! (Player’s Bedroom, Player’s House Upstairs, Player’s House Downstairs, Tarsha’s Bedroom, Homestead, Academy Grounds, Academy Interior, Lecture Hall).

Added!: You can now actually save and load the game! How crazy is that?!

Added: The Gallery! Scenes can now be viewed and tracked through the gallery menu on the title screen.

Added: NPCs can now be interacted with, which usually means being insulted. They also talk to themselves and can reveal valuable information.

Added! Party System! You can talk to heroines in your party to build a relationship with them and unlock unique scenes.

Added: 1 small talk scene(s).

Added/Continued: 4 storylines involving Tarsha, Saphira, Crowley, and Roland.

Reworked: Saphira has a new default outfit and poses!

Reworked: Roland has a new default outfit and poses!

Reworked: Roland is now actually the protagonist’s effeminate friend.

Removed: Uncle Albus is on the bench for now while we renovate his new location.

Removed: Combat is going to be heavily reworked, so it’s not available at the moment.

Removed: All of the old maps have been retired in favour of the new maps.

Removed: Esther is going to have a considerable rework as well and is temporarily removed.

Removed: Due to the above, Esther’s blowjob scene has been temporarily removed.

Removed: Saphira’s lake bath scene has been removed and will be added back in later.

v0.036 Release

How To Install Game Netorare God: Netorase Devil

  1. Extract
  2. Play the game

Netorare God: Netorase Devil Free Download



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