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Wifeys Dilemma Revisited Download Game Final Walkthrough + Inc Patch Latest Version – The game follows the experiences of this young man.
Developer: 3Diddly Games Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.70
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English
Genre: Adult, 3dcg, male protagonist, big ass, ntr, sharing, vaginal sex, teasing, mobile game, management, sandbox
Description Game
This Game is a reboot of Wifey’s Dilemma, with many new upgrades and features.
In this game, the main character marries his friend so that she can stay in the country (Both characters can be renamed).
He had feelings for her when they were younger, but never managed to act on them.
Now that she’s married to him… who knows?
The game follows the experiences of this young man.
He will meet other women, and will be able to develop his relationships with them.
Attention: NTR is avoidable. Sharing is avoidable. Read the Developer Notes please.
The developer will ignore all comments about the optional NTR in this game.
Screenshots and Gameplay

Changelog 0.70
Continued Katie/Jamal route
Added the non NTR continuation of the last event, and cleaned up dialogue. You can chose whether Wifey keeps working at the club.
Changelog 0.69
Continued to Katie/Jamal route:
- Continued the hard NTR route from the last event
- PC will be asked to leave the club, and he can Snoop if he has the ability
- Another event when Wifey comes home. PC can decide to leave the relationship or stay with conditions. (Need to be in a relationship with Wifey, have 6 Love Points, and have told her that he loves her.)
Changelog 0.68
Continued to Katie/Jamal route:
- One of my kids was sick this whole month, and the entire family got infected multiple times. It’s a miracle I published this much content this month, so take it easy on me please.
- Added Soft NTR scene for pregnancy continuation:
- In this first part of the event, the PC can ask Wifey to leave the club. This will impact her post pregnancy ending.
- Group scene if stats are sufficient
Changelog 0.67
This is a shorter update, I was pretty sick for the last week.
Added bad ending to the Katie/Jamal route. If you are on the Non-NTR route, this content will be unavailable. To see it, you’ll need to have NTR enabled, and pick “Do nothing” in the last event on the Katie/Jamal route.
Changelog 0.66:
Continued Katie/Jamal route:
- Completed non NTR pregnancy event
- Modified some parts of the Soft NTR event
- Modified some parts of the hard NTR event
*This is a smaller update because 0.65 was bigger than usual and had a lot of dialogue variants.
Changelog 0.65:
Continued Katie/Jamal route: Pregnancy only update
- Added post pregnancy event. This event can only be triggered if Wifey is pregnant. Depending on the route and the pregnancy option that you took (4 options), you’ll see different dialogue. A short scene will follow this event.
- After the previous scene, you’ll have access to another scene at the gym. The Non NTR route is incomplete here, but you can still play it.
- Soft NTR: The PC can pick a couple of options. Depending of if Wifey allows the PC to deepthroat or allows Jamal to deepthroat, the scene will play out differently.
- Hard NTR: The PC will be able to do something humiliating if the Love Points are high enough, or he can back out of the event. This event can only happen if you are on the hard NTR route, and you let Jamal or his friends impregnant Wifey.
Changelog 0.64
Continue Lee/Mr. Davis route:
Added non NTR continuation in this event. You’ll be able claim a Max Love Point, and also talk about pregnancy with Wifey! Can be accessed through other routes if you pick the right choices.
Other changes:
- New game plus mode! Finish the last event on Katie’s route to gain access. You can turn it on when you start a new game and choose your political affiliation (PDC, USF, New Game Plus mode)
- Bonus stat points: You can now collect Bonus stat points after some previous events. Go into the stat menu to pump the stat that you want!
Changelog 0.62:
Continue Lee/Mr. Davis route
Finished up the previous event and added Non NTR scene.
After the last event, the PC will have access to an intimacy scene, and Wifey will have different dialogue options depending on your choices.
Soft NTR: for future scenes with Zed, you’ll need to as Wifey to flirt with him.
Other changes: DD added some extra dialogue for the Jamal route (Bahamas trip). Try it out if you want to revisit your favorite scenes! Thanks DD!
Changelog 0.60:
Continued Lee/Mr. Davis Route
- Added Soft NTR continuation from the last update.
- Added hard NTR continuation as a snoop scene from last update.
- Added 2 new achievements for the traits in this update (non NTR)
- Some bug fixes
Changelog 0.59:
Continued Lee/Mr. Davis’s route
- Introduced a new character: Zed. Due to the new dangers that the PC and Wifey faces, they will need a body guard! Depending on the route that you take, Zed could be the PC’s loyal follower, or another competitor that the PC has to watch out for! Zed is a secondary character, and the main rival of this route is still Mr. Davis.
- Added Submissive trait upgrade: either to Reluctantly Submissive or Extremely Submissive. Dialogue will play out differently!
- Mostly non NTR update. Some divergences for NTR routes at the end of the non NTR scene. Some more NTR stuff to be added in 0.60.
Changelog 0.58
Continued Katie/Jamal’s Path
This event can only happen if the PC selected pregnancy options in the soft NTR path for group pregnancy, group pregnancy with the PC or Jamal only pregnancy. On the hard NTR path, the event will happen anyways.
There are different options in this event, all leading to variants in the scenes. Some scenes will require previous traits. If you have been following the guide, you will have “built” this scene based on your previous choices.
Other changes:
Added social media log, fixed some bugs.
Added an extra option to ask Wifey to stop in the Hard NTR route
Changelog 0.57:
Continued Katie/Jamal’s Path
Added a group party for Hard NTR path (PC is not oblivious)
This scene will play out depending on the pregnancy options chosen. If the PC decided not to pick a pregnancy option on this route, it will happen anyways. I’ll add another way of leaving this route in a future update to prevent this from happening if the player is really fixated on this option.
This event will vary depending on past player choices
Other changes:
- Fixed bugs and decreased stat requirements from the last event.
Changelog 0.56
Continued Katie’s Route
Added the option of going after Wifey, leads to non NTR route from all other routes.
Non NTR:
- The best option here is going after Wifey. You’ll need 13 physique, 11 charisma, and 11 intelligence. Other options are fine, but you will not get an intimacy scene. You’ll be able to claim 3 max Love Points here.
Other changes:
Bug fixes from DD
Changelog 0.55
Katie/Jamal update
In this update, I’ll be adding part of the final event. You’ll be able to choose between asking Katie and asking Jamal for help (The other options will completed in a later update.) This choice will have a large role in the ending of this route, so I suggest you make a save here.
- Asking Katie for help will have different consequences in the next part of this event.
- Asking Jamal for help will give 2 scenes, 1 in soft NTR and 1 in hard NTR which branch off into variants depending on your choices.
- You can also play into this update from any route, there just won’t be intimacy scenes in the other routes. You will be able to see the story progress based on your decisions.
Other big change: - Added another pregnancy option in the Soft NTR route, where the PC can join in with Jamal and his friends (previous event where you could pick pregnancy options)
- Changed previous scenes to make this option work
- Added new pregnancy logic
Changelog 0.54:
Continued Katie/Jamal’s route
This is a smaller update, and sets up the finale on this route.
Added Non-NTR route to the same event. Now Hard NTR can branch into this route.
Changed some dialogue.
Changelog 0.53:
Soft NTR:
The PC will be able to see Wifey at work, and go for a hot tub event! Depending on the player’s choices pregnancy choices (or lack thereof), this scene can play out in 2 different routes with differing renders. Try out different variables to see different dialogue!
Hard NTR:
If the PC is oblivious, this scene will still play out if Wifey has the Secretive trait. If not, the scene will play out differently. Warning: this scene has a humiliation tag attached.
Other changes:
This update comes with a new Portrait Skin! (Something is on Wifey’s face)
Changelog 0.52:
Continued Katie/Jamal’s route:
- Added Non NTR route: Fairly straight forward: Spend time with Wifey. When prompted for pregnancy, you’ll need 8 Love Points for Wifey to accept. If you don’t go down this path, you will skip Wifey’s pregnancy content.
- Soft NTR, hard NTR may branch into variants of this route depending on how you play
Hard NTR: After the event, the PC can ask Wifey to stay the next day. They will discuss what has happened if Wifey is open with the PC.
Other changes:
- Bugfixes for Social media, added 1 more Social media update.
Changelog 0.51 (Soft NTR/Hard NTR only):
Continued Katie/Jamal’s route:
This release has more renders than usual, so it took me longer.
Soft NTR:
Wifey, the PC and Jamal go on a date together. They will talk about different subjects, and the PC will be able to make a decision on pregnancy! There will be a few different options if the PC asks Jamal to come over. If the PC decides to impregnate Wifey, the route will converge into the non NTR path in 0.52.
Hard NTR:
Depending on how the PC reacts to an event, Wifey may let him know everything that’s going on if Jamal has higher influence than the PC. (PC can remain oblivious and continue snooping). She will make a decision on pregnancy depending on her standing with the PC. If you are not on the hardcore route, you can opt out of pregnancy content.
Make sure to Snoop to get an extra scene for Wifey’s workout pictures.
Other changes:
- Bugfixes
- DD’s additional dialogue for Soft NTR on Katie/Jamal’s route. (Thanks DD!)
Changelog 0.50:
Continued Katie’s Route
- Non NTR variant to the event. If the player is on the non NTR route, Jamal and Rashon won’t be present at the game.
- While on the soft NTR route, the player can pick to take Wifey home.
- On the hard NTR route, Wifey will chose what to do depending on her feelings (Except in hardcore mode).
- If the PC branches to non NTR route from NTR routes, dialogue will be different depending on player choices.
- New Backdoor achievement in non NTR mode
Changelog 0.49:
Continued Katie/Jamal’s route
Non NTR will be in 0.5 release, because the scene will be significantly different.
Soft NTR: Play basket ball with Wifey and Jamal’s friends! PC can decide to let Wifey stay and stay in contact through his cell phone. Some scenes where PC outperforms in basketball will be in 0.5
Depending on your choices in previous events, there will be different options (backdoor stuff)
Hard NTR: PC can snoop after the game. An additional option of outperforming in basketball will be added in 0.5, and will branch into a non-NTR scene if you are not in hardcore mode.
Changelog 0.48:
Social media/phone/achievements update
Social media: 14 new social media events have been added to the game. You’ll need to restart to see everything. Social media now has dynamic comments that will change based on your playthrough. You can see how the story evolves differently on different playthroughs.
Phone: Fixed some older phone events, and added in some more dialogue. Wifey’s profile can now be seen in texts.
Achievements: All achievements are now accompanied with a reward render that is not found in the game. Added 39 rewards.
Other changes:
- Lots of bug fixes from older events
- All achievements should now be obtainable
- Menu fixes
- It’s now possible to obtain the trait “Budding exhibitionist” by Snooping in addition to how it was obtained before.
Changelog 0.47:
Continued Lee/Mr. Davis’s path
Non NTR: The PC will discuss the current situation with the Pledged. He will have the chance to get some action in the office!
Soft NTR: Mr. Davis can show up, and the PC can invite him for more fun. Depending on the Love points, this scene can diverge a few times.
Hard NTR: Snoop to see an event (1 pre snoop, short). Depending on Wifey’s Love Points, two branches can occur.
– Fixed some bugs with DD’s script for older soft NTR scenes
– Added sexual experience counter to have better descriptions in the menus (Have to restart game to see this.
Changelog 0.46:
Continued Katie/Jamal route Valentine’s Day update
Non NTR:
- If Love Points are high enough, Wifey will talk about her relationship with the PC
- Katie can be invited
- If Wifey has the Sapphic Desires trait, there will be an extra scene.
- 2 Scene variants with Katie
Soft NTR:
- Same beginning as Non NTR
- Jamal is also invited
- When Jamal shows, you can chose either Katie or Wifey to be with him. Several scene variants with a highly requested PC action at the end of one of the scene variants (You can guess what it is).
Other changes: Dialogue additions by DD to previous Jamal’s Club events in soft and hard NTR paths.
Changelog 0.45:
Continued Katie/Jamal route
In this Valentine’s update, the PC will be able to take Wifey on a romantic date for Valentine’s day! This update is a bit bigger, so I had to split the non-NTR and sharing paths to 0.46.
Hard NTR: Jamal and Rashon have plans with the girls. Depending on your choices/traits, the event will play out differently!
Changelog 0.44:
Continued Lee/Mr. Davis route
Non NTR:
- For the next event, Wifey seems to be in distress. The PC will go to a meeting with the Pledged.
- In the meeting you can choose to either join up with the Pledged or not. If you do, you’ll need to help them. The PC will meet a known character in the 3Diddly universe.
- Spicy event right after the meeting!
Soft NTR:
- Same as Non NTR, but with a twist to the spicy event!
Hard NTR:
- The PC will not be invited to the meeting. If you picked USF, you’ll be able to Snoop.
- Very different scene, not recommended for those who don’t enjoy hard NTR.
- New “Permissive” trait can be obtained here!
Other changes: Some bug fixes and grey screen fixes.
Changelog 0.43:
Continued Lee/Mr. Davis route
Non NTR:
The PC will be able to spend some quality time with Wifey, having dinner and chilling at home! Wifey will do some dress up if he plays his cards right!
Soft NTR:
The PC can ask Wifey to send some spicy photos to Mr. Davis. He might call back at the end of the night, and Wifey could respond to the call!
Hard NTR:
If you are USF, make sure to use the Snoop in the menu before spending time with Wifey. This event will interact with the other scene later.
When Wifey comes home, depending on if the she is open about what she is doing with Mr. Davis or not, the scene will play out differently. If the PC’s points are higher than Mr. Davis’s points, he can still change the outcome of this evening!
Other Changes:
– Fixed a bug where portraits would bug if the 5th snoop event was opened late. If you restart the game, this event will expire if you haven’t snooped. If not, just start and end the event, and everything should be fine afterwards.
– Added bonus trait selection after choosing path with either Mr. Davis or Jamal (Beginning of the game) The trait selected will not trigger the corresponding achievement. All traits can still be obtained normally. This change was made to help players struggling to find a specific trait.
Changelog 0.42
Continued Katie/Jamal’s route, finished Xmas event!
A stranger approaches Wifey when she goes out to get some air, but he seems to have hostile intentions. Depending on what the PC does in each route, things will play out differently!
Non NTR: PC can decide to confront stranger, and Wifey will be able to get Max love points!
Soft NTR: If PC decides to back off, Jamal will come in to help. If this happens, he will gain influence points with Wifey.
Hard NTR: If PC decides to back off, Jamal will gain a major advantage in the competition.
Changelog 0.41:
Continued Katie/Jamal route, Part1 of xmas event!
In this update, the PC will be invited to a special party.
Non NTR: Katie will talk about past events with the couple, a heated scene ensues!
Soft NTR: Katie and Wifey catch up, and they have a special gift for the PC! Jamal joins on the whim of the PC.
Hard NTR: If Wifey doesn’t care that the PC knows about her affair, she will openly be intimate with Jamal in front of him with Katie for 1 scene. If not, the PC can snoop to see what they are talking about, but there are no extra Snoop scenes for this update.
Other changes: DD added some soft NTR dialogue for events in previous updates. Thanks DD!
Changelog 0.40:
Continued Katie/Jamal route
3 scenes for each route (non NTR, soft NTR, hard NTR) with 1 alternate scene for Snoop ability.
Wifey will have a special gift in this update! (Physical change)
For Soft and hard NTR routes: You’ll be able to acquire a new trait for Wifey: Snowbunny Initiate!
Other changes:
Dialogue fixes, thanks to DD!
Changelog 0.39:
Continued Katie/Jamal’s route. In this update, Wifey has stumbled into a predicament working for Jamal. There seems to be a gang war, and she might be in danger! Based on the PC’s choices, different things will happen.
Non NTR: Wifey stays with PC, and Jamal apologizes.
Soft NTR: Wifey stays with PC, PC comes to get Wifey after work.
Hard NTR: Wifey stays with Jamal, PC has to visit Wifey at work.
3 scenes, and 1 variant scene if the PC has Snoop.
Other changes:
Bug fixes. Also fixed Hardcore mode on Jamal/Katie Path so PC can sort of fight for her and regain love points (The PC will always fail on the hardcore path, gaining points is just an illusion of progress.)
0.38 Changelog:
In this update, Wifey and the PC will host a Halloween party! (Lee’s route) (Completed)
Non NTR: One more bathroom scene at the end of the update. Short Tanya scene added.
Soft NTR: Mr. Davis shows up looking stressed. The PC can decide to be a good friend, and ask Wifey to help him out. Mr. Davis can join in on the bathroom scene at the end. Short Tanya scene added.
Hard NTR: Added more renders and script to the second event.
Other changes: Added dialogue for some Soft NTR routes, written by DD.
0.37 Changelog:
Continued Mr. Davis/Lee scenes
In this update, Wifey and the PC will host a Halloween party!
Non NTR: Mr. Davis shows up, but the PC can easily tells him off. Wifey will do something special for the PC afterwards.
Soft NTR: Mr. Davis shows up looking stressed. The PC can decide to be a good friend, and ask Wifey to help him out.
Hard NTR: 2 scenes, requires Snoop. Mr. Davis shows up and causes some problems. The PC can anger him, so Wifey decides to calm him down.
Other changes:
– New social media and texting system: interactive menus, and even liking Wifey’s pictures! Unlock her social media to access it in the Daily menu.
– One APK file! No more expansion packs for android!
0.36 Changelog:
Continued Mr. Davis/Lee scenes
Non NTR:
The PC will surprise Wifey at work, and take her to a bar. You get a short foot scene if that’s your thing, if not, you can skip.
Soft NTR:
The PC will surprise Wifey at work, and take her to a bar. If the PC agrees, there will be some special videos for him! Another romantic scene will follow.
Hard NTR path:
Wifey looks uncomfortable during the date. The PC can hack into her phone to see what’s going on…
Other changes:
New side portrait: Cat girl! See the guide for the redeem code.
Bug fixes, and achievements added.
0.35 Changelog:
In this update, the PC will be able to take Wifey to a bar on the non NTR and sharing paths.
Non NTR: Mr. Davis is not present. PC takes Wifey on a date. If they have joined the Pledged, he will be able to give her a nickname (customizable).
Soft NTR: Mr. Davis can join the date. If the PC has joined the Pledged, he will be able to give her a nickname (customizable).
On the hard NTR path, wifey will explore her role as a Protected, and the PC will watch helplessly. Mr. Davis will give Wifey a nickname (customizable). If Wifey is aware that PC knows about them, this route will have a different outcome.
0.34 Changelog
In this update, you’ll be able to see some of the consequences of the choices made in the Bahamas update.
Non NTR: Jamal is not in the picture in this update. The PC will have a relaxing evening with Wifey.
Soft NTR: Jamal and Wifey will invite the PC for some fun when he picks her up from work.
Hard NTR: Wife and Jamal are doing something after work. The PC can decide to snoop on them.
Other changes: Lost of bug fixes, as usual
DD has helped me with some dialogue in past events on Katie/Jamal’s routes. You’ll be able to see the additions if you restart a gameplay through “soft Ntr” paths with Jamal.
Changelog 0.33:
Non NTR: Finished Bahamas event, and added option to upgrade Budding exhibitionist trait at the end of the update. The PC will also confront Jamal, and decide how to deal with him when they get back from the trip.
Soft NTR: Finished Bahamas event. Can also upgrade Budding exhibitionist trait at the end of the update. Added ability to upgrade Jamal’s relationship status with Wifey to boyfriend/girlfriend, or stay friends with benefits, or break up. If the PC’s relation with Jamal is poor, Jamal will confront the PC at the end.
Hard NTR: Finished Bahamas event. Can also upgrade Budding exhibitionist trait at the end of the update. Added ability to upgrade Jamal’s relationship status with Wifey to boyfriend/girlfriend, or stay friends with benefits, or break up. The PC will confront Jamal at the end of the update with a plethora of different possibilities (there’s a lot) depending on what options the player took. Explore them all!
Other changes:
– Added social media system. Check the Phone tab in the menu.
– Tons of bug fixes, including Lee/Davis route bug fixes.
Changelog 0.32:
Non NTR: Wifey spends some time with the PC at the end of the night with a surprise!
Soft NTR: the PC can invite Jamal along for some fun, or allow Wifey to choose what she wants to do (Jamal affinity vs PC’s love points check.) She will act differently based on the current stats!
Hard NTR: Wifey lets Jamal do something new with her…
Other changes: New dialogue added for 0.31 scenes, bug fixes.
Changelog 0.31:
This update is larger than my typical updates (About twice as many renders). 0.32 will consequently be shorter, and will include bug fixes and polishing.
This update includes 3 main scenes, a wet t-shirt contest scene that varies depending on your route, and a snoop scene.
In the non NTR route: The PC will take wifey on a romantic trip to the Bahamas. If the PC decides that Wifey will enter the contest, they could win a nice prize. There is currently no other content if wifey doesn’t enter the contest.
In the sharing, non antagonistic route: Jamal will join the couple on the trip. It’s up to him if he wants to share Wifey with Jamal. Beware, even though Jamal is not antagonistic, if there are multiple critical stat check failures, Wifey could gain interest in the PC’s competition.
NTR antagonistic: The PC will follow Jamal and Wifey to the Bahamas, and snoop on them. If Wifey wins the wet-shirt contest, she may drift even further away…
– Fixed a bunch of bugs from the previous Jamal event
Changelog 0.30b (bug fixes and QOL):
– Fixed Wifey’s journal entry bug on game restart
– Added ability to change save file names
– Added a status to show if Wifey is aware of the PC snooping around in the menu (Check the screen shot)
How To Install Game Wifeys Dilemma Revisited
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Wifeys Dilemma Revisited Free Download
Android (v0.66): APKADMIN – UPLOADY
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You missed the new version (0.24.0) for this game. Please update.
Strangely addictive. Multiple playthroughs for different outcomes.
Please update this game to new version
Please update this game to new version