
Alive [v1.0]


Download Alive Mod Apk + Free PC Windows, Mac, Android

Alive Download Game Final Walkthrough + Inc Patch Latest Version – You are a programmer who’s recently lost his job.

Developer: CSkin Games Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 1.0
OS: Windows, Linux, Android
Language: English
Genre: Adult, 3DCG, Male protagonist, Anal sex, Creampie, Oral sex, Titfuck, Vaginal sex, POV, Masturbation, Mobile game

Description Game

You are a programmer who’s recently lost his job. You’ve done well for yourself, so this is the perfect time to finally move on from your breakup three years ago. Lately you’ve been just coasting through life, with only your best friend Freddie to keep you afloat. Everything changes when you meet Nikki, the aspiring photographer, and her childhood friend Erin. And then there’s Mary – the seemingly innocent barista who has a long-harbored crush. Meanwhile Erin’s troubled ex boyfriend threatens not just her, but everyone around her – even you. What path you take is up to you.
Will you just get by, just happy to live? Or will you finally…. be Alive?​

Screenshots and Gameplay

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Alive has come to an end! The final Chapter is available today. Patch notes at the bottom.
Alive represents almost two full years of work, and I am happy today to make the final chapter available here on itch! That’s right – Chapter 7 is the end. Alive is no longer a work in progress, but a completed game. It’s been a hell of a journey, but we’ve reached the goal. Over the next month I will be preparing to release Alive on steam – shortly after that (So in about a month or so) I will be creating a full walkthrough for Alive – more details on that on my patreon now, or here at a later date, when we’re closer to releasing it. Also note the version number is 0.99 – as part of the Steam release I’m working on, I am also working on a visual rework of CH1-3. That will constitute version 1.0 and the final build, but that will be ready sometime late next month. For now, patch notes!
– Added over 2100 new renders, a dozen+ animations, and over 20k words. Chapter 7 brings our story to it’s conclusion so it only seemed right it was the biggest release by far!
– Tweaked volleyball difficulty. If minigames are disabled, it remains unchanged. With them enabled, easy mode (erin) is still painfully easy… The other 2 have seen an increase in difficulty. As a side note, Erin win or lose has no effect other than dialogue and a few renders immediately following the match. Winning or losing with Nikki affects a scene, and winning or losing with Mary can have a major storyline effect. (Only if you’re on a certain path. If you’re not, it’s the same as with Erin).
– Fixed Skeeball minigame – it was previously impossible to lose! Oops. You can now lose as intended.
– Fixed a few minor grammar/spelling issues. Hopefully I didn’t add too many.
– New Gallery entries.
– Replaced (very low effort) splash screen. It’s now 100% better!
– Added discord link to main menu. I don’t actually use it ever (It is DEAD capital DEAD in there), but it *IS* the best way to contact me with bug reports, questions, or anything else. (Patreon message is 2nd best, Twitter is a very distant 4th. Carrier Pigeon is 3rd.)
– 29 New music tracks! Much wow!

Chapter 6 changelog:
Full change/update log:
Chapter 6 – Continuation of the story! Chapter 6 contains around ~950 static renders, and over 30 animations.
– added a new minigame. As always if you’ve opted out previously it will play out a bit differently. The minigame is intentionally extremely easy – I may adjust the difficulty at some point to be a bit harder but I decided to leave it as relative easy-mode for now.
– Fixed a bunch of typos. Probably added a few more.
– 13 new music tracks as well. Chapter 5 had a ton, less so in CH6 since many of the chapter 5 ones still fit very well. Expect some new stuff for chapter 7.
– Re-did entire android build for compression purposes. Android apks have an effective max size of 2gb – redid compression on most images and sound. Chapter 6 android release is about 1.1gb. (For reference Ch5 was 1.7gb). There may be a very slight loss in quality, but hopefully it’s not too much. I’d love some feedback on this if anyone plays android versions.
– Added a couple of shoutouts…. at least 1 more is planned already for CH7. (I bet you know who you are.)
– Created at least 3 new bugs I haven’t discovered in all my playtesting… or maybe not. But Probably. (Spoiler alert: I did, and I’ve fixed at least 3 already! Hopefully it was only the 3!)
A few major notes:
As of today you may notice Alive carries a price tag. In the past new releases have always done so, while old ones remain free. To combat issues I’ve had with itch and the payment system, moving forward Alive is becoming a paid project, with a free demo available (Which is up to chapter 5.)

Chapter 5 comprises of
over 750 images,
10k+ words,
plus 3 new scenes of animation.

– Fixed a bajillion typos in the early game.
Probably created new ones for Ch5.
(And already fixed a few thanks to a couple proofreaders
and bug testers for your help!)

– Added a pre-game warning about the existence of potential scenes of a violent nature.

– Added (TWO!) optional textboxes. For now they’re mostly placeholders and if I can
I’ll improve the look in future updates, but they were the best I could do on short notice.
Also added an optional slider for textbox opacity!
Head into the options menu where you’ll find new options to choose your textbox
and set your preferred opacity level.

– Made a few changes to the choice menu that pops up periodically.
Two main changes are: It has been moved up slightly on the screen,
and now larger menus have a scrollbar allowing you to scroll through the menu.
Not very relevant now as the only menu I know of that might scroll off screen
has multiple disabled options, but may become relevant in future updates.

-Fixed some small errors causing certain scenes to load twice
(And in one case an early animation scene wouldn’t play).
It all works now!

– Fixed accidently skipping over a few scenes.
Now you’ll see them!

– Fixed a possible softlock if minigames were enabled.
No more infinite loops!

– Fixed a few bugs that no one probably even noticed. Now you never will!
Most likely introduced at least two new ones as well!

How To Install Game Alive

  1. Extract
  2. Play the game

Alive Free Download



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