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Automaton Story Download Game Final Walkthrough + Inc Patch Latest Version – The story of a guy who lives with his sister without parents.
Developer: AngryFur Subscribestar
Censored: No
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Language: English
Genre: Adult, 2DCG, Male protagonist, Incest, Furry, Voyeurism, Animated, Creampie, Groping, Mobile game, Oral sex, Vaginal sex
Description Game
The story of a man who lives with his sister without a parent. He suddenly found a robot (automaton) that looked like a girl, but it was broken. The main character must repair automatat and face the problem he brought himself.
The game will have many other characters that you can interact.
Screenshots and Gameplay

It’s a Halloween update. It adds a new short and fully drawn quest. I also fixed some bugs and finished some locations.
- Added new Halloween quest:
- 6 Halloween characters (7 new sprites)
- 13 new locations
- 5 School halls
- 2 School club rooms
- 3 School rooms
- School principal’s room
- School teacher’s room
- 1 event art
- 1 sex scene (3 nsfw arts)
- Sprites:
- Added new emotion for MC and new Halloween costume (23 new sprites)
- Added new Halloween costume for Karl (4 new sprites)
- Locations:
- Redrawn MC’s room (added a dynamic board above the table with pictures you can find)
- Finished School principal’s room
- Finished School teacher’s room
- Added a new item to the sister’s room
- Miscellaneous:
- 17 new sounds
- 3 new music
- Monika can now be asked out of school too (quest with a trip to her family)
- The poster in the player’s room doesn’t change the Christmas mood. Now it does if you manually change into Christmas clothes
- Fixed bugs in interaction with Sis and Monika at school
- A few small changes and fixes to the script
- Fixed bugs with sprites
- Redrawn and reworked the scene with the searching for tools with the sister
- 3 finished event art
- Added new characters (21 students, each with one black-and-white sprite)
- Sprites:
- Slightly adjusted Monika’s sprites
- Slightly adjusted Amber’s sprites
- Slightly adjusted Zephyr’s sprites
- Slightly adjusted Tucker’s sprites
- Added new sprites and redrawn old ones for the Sister (new nude sprites; others have been redrawn)
- Added new sprites and redrawn old ones for MC (new sprites: nude, in underwear, in a shirt; others have been redrawn)
- Added new sprites and redrawn old ones for Taiga (new sprites: nude, in underwear; others have been redrawn)
- Locations:
- Redrawn the school entrance location
- Redrawn/finished all school corridors
- Redrawn/finished the corridor and toilets in the school (the women’s toilet; the cleaning robot is also finished)
- Redrawn two old school classrooms on the first floor
- Added/finished the remaining 3 school classrooms
- Added 3 club rooms in the school
- Added a school park location
- Added Taiga’s room on the school grounds (currently only for Taiga)
- Redrawn the park location (the farthest one, needed for the archaeologist club quest)
- Redrawn the Sister’s location (all clickable images of the Sister and the automaton in this room have also been redrawn; one image was added)
- Events/Art:
- When the Sister changes clothes, you can enter her room after reaching a certain love level (a clickable half-naked Sister will be present)
- In the morning, you can talk to the Sister in bed on weekends with new art (art changes depending on the love level)
- 8 arts
- 2 new 18+ ones
- After breakfast, the Sister now goes to school, and time no longer skips forward (she’ll be at her desk at the weekend)
- The sandwich is now only available in the school toilet at night (at other times the hole is used for its intended purpose (Violetta quest))
- The event with the thief has been changed (Monika’s quest); the outcomes of the event can vary, and reaching the goal has become easier (there are 3 stages, and the quest can be completed at the first stage, which will affect other quests and events); also, the art in this event has been redrawn
- 4 sketches redrawn
- 1 new static scene with the Director
- Added side storylines with the characters: Isadora, Violetta, Rosalind, Marianna, Leticia, Cornelia, Rebecca
- 38 arts in total
- 10 static 18+ scenes
- Added a side storyline with the archaeologist club (not finished yet)
- Added an event with the school festival (Taiga’s quest) with choices (currently only affects relationships with Taiga, but in the future will affect other characters as well)
- 30 arts in total (excluding animations and locations)
- 4 static 18+ scenes
- 1 18+ animation with Taiga
- 3 temporary locations with events
- Added the ability to change (or undress) MC’s clothes independently through the desk in MC’s room (the Christmas outfit automatically changes the outfits of the Sister and automaton instead of the calendar)
- Library licence can be obtained on a quest with Cornelia at the school
- Redrawn arts from the beginning of the game where MC pokes the Sister in the nose
- Redrawn 2 arts from the game’s prologue
- Redrawn the sketch of Monika’s first appearance at the doorstep
- Miscellaneous:
- UI was changed
- New textbox
- Added quick_menu buttons (can be hidden in settings)
- Almost all buttons in the menu and the game are now implemented using RenPy methods and were changed (they were previously images, now it will simplify the work for translators)
- MEMORY was completely changed, static scenes were added, with a scene description appearing at the bottom on hover in the PC version
- The main menu now shows the latest version available (if an internet connection is available)
- Script changes (fixing some bugs and errors and added/changed some dialogues with characters) (there are a lot of changes in the script with variables that will cause old saves to not work correctly; I recommend starting the game over)
- UI was changed
- Added 6 new characters:
– Monika’s mother (6 new sprites)
– Monika’s father (2 new sprites)
– Monika’s sister (6 new sprites)
– Seller in the village (4 new sprites)
– Seller’s son (2 new sprites)
– Old farmer (1 new sprite) - Added new location (Train station)
- Added new map (Village location):
– Added The Farm (3 locations)
– Added Monika’s parents’ house (4 locations)
– Added Store (1 location)
– Added Train station (1 location)
– Added The Lake (1 location) - Added continuation of Monika’s story (2 steps and 19 static arts)
- Added 2 animated 18+ scenes with Monika:
– Story animation
– Groping in her room (after date) - Added 6 static scenes with Monika’s mother
- Added a variety of art in Karl’s work (8 random variations)
- Added opportunity to work in the school gym (mini game and 5 random scenes)
- Redrawn Monika’s sprites (and added nude sprites)
- Redrawn Monika’s room (added 1 new position)
- Redrawn Automaton talking scenes (in MC room while talking)
- A lot of dialogue with the characters in the village, dialogues with the automatons in the MC room
- You can take Monika with you (only plot-wise for now)
- Redrawn the image at the beginning of the game with a choice of name.
- Some bugs were fixed and script was slightly improved
v0.1.1 (beta)
- Redrawn Mall 2nd floor
- Added new store for Mall 2nd floor (Pink Fox) and some interactions there
(you can open some scenes after talking with different characters and 2 not finished static 18+ scene) - Redrawn Olivia’s sprite and added more
- Reworked Olivia’s storyline
- Added treehouse area and interactions there with Olivia
- Added new 18+ scene with Olivia
- Redrawn and reworked library 2nd floor
- Added an alternative way to create a synthetic blood scheme (you can make upgrade scheme for automaton without Sarah)
- Redrawn Archie’s sprite
- Added more actions affecting the plot (Additional actions that will change the end of the first chapter of the main story a bit and will have an effect on the further passage) with not finished 18+ scene (static image)
- Reworked/redrawn final storyline scene with Bee
- New author’s music for the main menu and the main ambient (There will be others in the future, for different situations)
- Added new sprites for some school characters
– 2 Teachers
– 2 School male guys - Added thief chapter for Monika (you can finish this in diferent way)
And some static 18+ scenes - More interactions in school with more arts
- Added School areas:
– Teacher’s Room
– New Class
– New corridors that don’t affect anything yet - The GUI has changed a bit. The font has been changed
- The code logic has been reworked in some aspects (e.g. the penis type setting does not depend on saving)
- Some dialogues have been slightly reworked
- Added second date with Lauren, continuation of the plot with Lauren
(the date can be spent in different ways, stock up on wine to see all the scenes) - Added two 18+ scenes with Lauren
(depends on the choice on the date, affects the relationship with Lauren) - Bar redrawn (Bartender too)
- Some characters of the bar are clickable and participate in the plot
- Added sprite sketches for 8 secondary characters (3 in the bar and 5 in the school)
- Added the location of the candy shop
- Added sprites for 5 candy shop characters
- Added a storyline with the bar and the candy store (brothel) that affects the main storyline
- Added sketches of GG cooking in the kitchen
(and a few dialogues at some points in the game) - Added a gym to the school (depending on the time of day and day)
- Added some interactions in the gym
- Redrawn Karl (4 sprites)
- Redrawn Spike (librarian) (2 sprites naked/clothes)
- Redrawn arts with peeping on sister in the bathroom
- Redrawn arts of Karl’s visit to GG (both)
- Redrawn sprites with Eve (4 sprites nakedschoolsport) (Eva can be found in the gym)
- Reworked the scenes with peeping on sister in the bathroom (several stages)
- Minor conditions changes:
- Now you can ask Lauren to change clothes and touch her ass only after a successful 2nd date
- Some dialogue for the automaton and Lauren is available where they weren’t before
- The logic of the code has been slightly reworked and works better (fixes some bugs)
- Some dialogues have been slightly reworked
Reworked and added new sprites for:
- MC
- Sister
- Automaton
- Added a new character:
- Eve (student)
- Liza (principal)
- Continuation:
- Main storyline
- Monika’s storyline
- Karl’s storyline
- New locations were added:
- School club
- Forest
- Second floor of the library
- Bar
- Changing room at MALL
- Added events:
- To the school club
- When sister changes
- Instead of a masturbation scene in sister’s room at night
- You can accidentally see the changing characters in the changing booth
- An alternative way to find a book for the sister in the library
- Repainted/finished arts:
- Sister in bed at night
- MC helping Lauren at the store
- Kiss MC and sister after breakfeast
- Sister icons in replay and traveling together
- You can give to automaton school uniform
- You can buy clothes in the steam shop
- Now I can bring clothes to sister for posing
- Added 18+ MC x Automaton animation
- Reworked animation when MC touches sister’s ass at night
- New book appearance for PC and mobile devices
- You can take a few characters at once (in certain cases)
- The old dialogue has been slightly altered, and new ones have been added (Questions during communication with sister in different places. For example, she can be called to the team if she is at school. Give her books if she is at school. Etc. Or a meeting between Karl and Automaton.)
v0.0.16 fix
- Redrawn old animation with bro and sis at night in bed
- New animation (continuation) with sis and bro at night in bed
- New animation with sis and automaton (you can ask automaton to join sis)
- New minor character
- You can have a date with Sarah in the cinema
- Small continuation for Sarah
- Small continuation for the main plot
- Small continuation for Monika
- Added new location: Monika’s house
- Added some interactions for characters
- Some small interactions
- Script was improved
(Bug fixed with Sarah in the Cinema)
- New monika character (sis friend) in different schools and ordinary clothes
- Taiga new character (teacher)
- 18+ new animations with sisters in theaters
- Some sprites have been a little adjusted
- The school is partly done
- New Quest added for new characters
- Some new dialogs
- Enhanced script
- Finished a few sketches (MC with Lauren in the store, MC found automatat on the road, head engineers and rooms at the factory)
- The storyline with Lauren continues (follow the instructions in the book)
- Sprite with lauren (again) and karl redrawn
- New location with new characters (restaurants located above the factory. So far, it is only used for the passage of storyline with Lauren)
- Karl’s kitchen is redrawn (still sketched, but now you can interact with Lauren in the kitchen (morning weekend))
- Add short animation with lauren in the kitchen (touch her ass)
- Add corridor and lauren spaces. Lauren cleans Karl’s room during the weekend
- You can also find sisters who sometimes masturbate at night (just sketches)
- Enhanced script
- New animation with Olivia
- Animated line with petting sis
- Add Replay Room (all scenes opened immediately for this version)
- Line for 2 park locations (you can find Sarah there (night on weekends))
- Sprite with Sarah and Lauren redrawn (and a new one with Sarah added)
- Some details have also been changed (some pictures)
- Small continuation of the plot (Sarah, Lauren, Olivia branch and the main plot)
- You can spy on lauren in the bathroom on weekends (night)
- 18+ animations with sisters
- 18+ Animation with Samantha
- New dialogue (Sister, Secretary, Teacher, Lead Engineer, Sarah, Olivia)
- You can give birth to sister (in her room)
- You can change the speed of the text
- Enhanced script
- You can improve automato
- Add animated scenes with automatat (select “action” after updating)
- Some illustrations are complete and some are redrawn
- The secretary’s animation is now
- You can take automato on your team (some tasks have been changed)
- Some sketches in the park and with Olivia
- Add libraries
- You can find several books in the library (Inses Book 2 – Mandatory for Sister Masturbation Scenes, Synthetic Blue Blue Print – Required to Improve Automat)
- The storyline with Sarah has changed a little. Before blowjob, now you have to date
- You can bring Sarah at your party after the automates are repaired
- You can choose the type of penis that you like most in game settings (you can change this option anytime)
- Enhanced script
How To Install Game Automaton Story
- Extract
- Play the game
Automaton Story Free Download
When will this game be updated?
don’t know when. but this is the latest version
how do i get the book from karl