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Fuck Nights at Fredrikas [v0.20]


Download Fuck Nights at Fredrikas Mod Apk + Free PC Windows, Mac, Android

Fuck Nights at Fredrikas Download Game Final Walkthrough + Inc Patch Latest Version – is a pornographic parody of the first Five Nights At Freddy’s game.

Developer: SmutCube Patreon
Censored: No
Version: 0.20
OS: Windows
Language: English
Genre: Adult, 3D game, 3DCG, Adventure, Animated Male protagonist, Furry, Humor, Horror, Monster girl, Parody, Big tits, Oral sex, Vaginal sex, Rape, Groping, Mobile game, Titfuck, Group sex

Description Game

F#&!NAF, or Fuck Nights at Fredrika’s is a pornographic parody of the first Five Nights At Freddy’s game. The objective of the game is to keep yourself safe from animatronics with malfunctioning AI.​

Screenshots and Gameplay

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Download Fuck Nights at Fredrikas
Download Fuck Nights at Fredrikas

Added 14 new story nights:

  • The story continues with 21 of the planned 22 campaign nights completed
  • Improvements to the dialog box to facilitate new story elements

Added new mechanics to each bot (SPOILERS FOR STORY MODE):

  • Story nights 15-21 show case new mechancis for each bot, making them much more difficult for one night each
  • Bonnie on her night will teleport around the office, office power will also not recharge
  • Chica on her night will swap the camera away from her if she’s in the room being viewed by the monitor
  • Foxy on her night will swap the camera to her periodically, switching away too quickly from her will make her very angry
  • Fredrika on her night will hover whenever any light in the office turned off, increasing her speed and removing the sounds of her footsteps
  • Mangle will repossess all furniture items from the player for the remainder of her night
  • Puppet will remember the positions she’s been in for a while, this means you will need to make sure to switch to a fresh position to reduce her boredom
  • Springtrap will now max the seduction meter of bots as she walks away from them, if she seduces a bot she will now come for the player instead of the bot
  • In addition to the above, every bot who has enhanced difficulty for the night will be immune to dildos, have their disable mechanics removed (i.e. Mangle’s “overheat” and Bonnie’s “counter hack”), and will ignore Springtrap

Updated the QA machine:

  • Changed the QA machine’s appearance to fix an issue causing it to clip into the wall during some animations
  • Fixed Puppet’s dildo-disabled animation and created a new animation that is more visible

Fixed bugs:

  • Finally fixed a longstanding bug that caused the control deck buttons to some times display the buttons of the previous room
  • Fixed the “Sex Scene Starter” window in the toybox so that it creates sex scenes in the same manner as the “Fuck…” right click menu
  • Various other minor bugs

Added a new maledom scene for Springtrap:
Buy the new handcuffs item from Mangles shop and click them as Springtrap approaches you to trigger a new scene.
Springtrap’s strapon has been remodeled to improve the look as well as facilitate the maledom scene
Added new items to mangle’s shop:
Now you can buy Handcuffs, a photo, and a poster for Springtrap, as well as an Energy Meter, Batteries, and Wall Shelves
The energy meter tracks the current power level of the office, batteries are a consumable that will recharge the office power to 100%
Overhauled the camera:
The camera controls have been changed so that they are much more intuitive to use and consistent across all areas where “free cam” is available (Game over scenes, the toybox, and desk setup).
Hold the right mouse button down to enable camera movement, then press the WASDQE keys to move the camera, clicking on a character’s head, boobs, hands, or hips will cause the camera to orbit around the clicked body part.
Game over scenes now have a menu that allows you to select a camera position from a list instead of having to iterate through all of them
The ability to lock on and rotate the camera is available in PoV modes as well.
Overhauled the toybox:
The toybox has been overhauled with many functions to make it more intuitive.
Toys can now be bought or rented, buying a toy allows it to be spawned for free from your inventory, renting it is only 1/10th the price but the toy can only be spawned once.
Toys are now managed by clicking and dragging icons where you want them to go: dragging an icon from the shop to the inventory buys the toy, dragging it from the shop or inventory to the ground spawns it, dragging it from the ground to another spot moves it.
When moving or placing toys (or groups of toys) a new transform gizmo will appear to allow you to make adjustments to toy positions
Sex scenes are much easier to setup, you can either use a “Sex Scene” window which holds a list of all sex scenes, or you can right click and select “Fuck” on a toy to see what other toys they have a scene with, or select “Join” to have another toy join an existing group.
All sex bots now have a PoV option which allows you to see from their point of view
Starting animations for Meatsack and the sex bots have been normalized so that they always start with a standing idle animation, Meatsack has received two new animations for this purpose
Meatsack + Chair has been removed, its existence was due to a sub-optimal design made long ago, the animations involved have been corrected so that meatsack can now play the Chica and Puppet animations without needing to be glued to the chair.
Overhauled the desk setup:
The desk setup has received many of the same improvements the toybox has, furniture items are now held in an inventory and can be placed by dragging and dropping them.
Furniture items can now be placed anywhere in the office, posters can be placed on the desk, desk items can be placed on the wall, you can even place things on the floor if you want.
Wall shelves can be placed on the wall to give extra space to place items.
Some items can now be purchased multiple times, you may have up to 3 of each dildo, 5 batteries, and 2 wall shelves
Overhauled the save system:
Saves are now stored in files under SaveData in the appdata Folder this will allow saves to be transferred between computers by simply transferring the files
Run “%appdata%\..\LocalLow\DefaultCompany\FNAF\SaveData\” to find them, move them to the same folder on a different computer to transfer a save or copy them to make a back up
They are obfuscated but not encrypted, the obfuscation method is identifiable and easily reversable to someone who knows what they’re doing, if you don’t know what you’re doing DO NOT try to open or modify them, you can lose your save and I will not help you

How To Install Game Fuck Nights at Fredrikas

  1. Extract
  2. Play the game

Fuck Nights at Fredrikas Free Download



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