HomeAdultHorny Mage Academy: Dark Tower

Horny Mage Academy: Dark Tower [v0.48.1]


Download Horny Mage Academy: Dark Tower Mod Apk + Free PC Windows, Mac, Android

Horny Mage Academy: Dark Tower Download Game Final Walkthrough + Inc Patch Latest Version – Enter a world of magic and romance, fantasy and adventure, where your wildest dreams can come true….

Developer: Ninhalf/HGameArtMan Patreon
Censored: No
OS: Windows, Mac, Linux
Language: English
Genre: Adult, Female Protagonist, 2DCG, 2d Game, Combat, Dating Sim, RPG, Fantasy, Pregnancy, Monster, Creampie, Romance, Animated, Lactation, Sandbox, Lesbian, Religion, Prostitution, Corruption

Description Game

Enter a world of magic and romance, fantasy and adventure, where your wildest dreams can come true….
As long as those dreams involve attending an ancient magic college and learning magic, of course!
Horny Mage Academy: Dark Tower is a top-down action-RPG inspired by such games as Violated Heroine.
It’s currently in development and in need of some feedback!

The game currently contains a mixture of time-management and dungeon-crawling, along with the expected
bit of lewdness!​

Screenshots and Gameplay

Download Horny Mage Academy: Dark Tower
Download Horny Mage Academy: Dark Tower
Download Horny Mage Academy: Dark Tower

Recollections Room: Added Prostitution Call: Dwarf, Rough Workman, Villager, Professor, and the new Eillana milking scene!

New Scene: Eillana Milking
-This requires Eillana to be impregnated and then visiting her room at night in the village

Map Revamp: Castle Themes
-Each floor of the castle now has a centralized color theme that is distinct from the other floors. Currently it’s just generalized carpet/flooring, but will be expanded to include wall decorations and other effects in the future

-Removed floor 3’s unusable stairway
-Removed the blocked-off passageway past the locker rooms on floor 3
-Removed the blocked-off lower area on both floor 2 and 3’s main stairway areas
-Removed the inacessable hallways that sat to the right of the gymnasium on F3
-Changed the introduction of Homeroom to be Fall 5th, instead of Fall 1st

-Fixed several of Eillana’s scenes at night causing flickering when going to the next day
-Fixed Anya’s Slime Impregnation not properly setting pregnancy values at the end of the event
-Fixed errant light in the office wing floating in the middle of the hallway
-Fixed choice settings very rarely glitching out when given the option in the morning to go to class or skip
-Fixed game fading screen out and not returning to normal during the summer 20th
-Please let me know if this is not the case, or if fall 5th now glitches out instead


-New Scene: AnyaXOlivia Slime Implantation
-Requires you to be able to make requests from Anya(talking to her with high relationship), and then then take her with you into the waterway on a return visit and let a slime attack you

New Character Pregnancy: Anya Slime Pregnancy
-Recollections Room: Added Nurse PTJ: Potion Prof. Handjob, Nurse PTJ: Solo Handjob, Alicia: Duo Prostitution Scene, and the new slime duo scene
-Underground Waterway Revisit: Added proper enemies spawns to the revist

-Expanded the F1 office area’s leftmost hallway to improve traversability

-Fixed halloween decorations being intangable and you can phase through them
-Fixed an error in the recollections room where, if you use the debug tool to enable all scenes, none of the images show up on the stands
-Further reduced save-file bloat by removing prostitution action values from saving to disk
-Fixed an error with the debug menu when maxing out Anya’s relationship that doesn’t set the trigger for her requests properly to be enabled
-Fixed potion professor’s boobjob scene doesn’t remove clothes properly in the recall scene
-Fixed doggy Style while engaging in prostitution not advancing excitement levels properly
-Fixed certain students in halloween costumes being fully able to to be walked into/block your way
-Fixed Basic survival course able to be failed/grade doesn’t display properly
-Fixed an issue in the new waterways when backtracking that caused you to be locked in the last room
-Fixed an issue with the new slime scene’s field impregnation not KOing the player

Known Issues
-Dormmates sometimes vanish when saving/loading inside the dorms
-Summer 20- Fall 1 locking up the game sometimes (need to test more)
-Size Discrepencies between several characters, such as dormmates or teachers
-Human pregnancies are still missing a multitude of events and the birth scene
-$gameSystem.versionId error- this is related to battle AI in some way, possible triggers include moving far away from enemies without defeating them
-save-file size is still a bit bloated from saving stuff like enemy positions, crafting recipes (pre-plugin mode), etc etc
-Title Screen still shows old Olivia artwork
-Outfit crystals system for gym/swimming classes still breaks sometimes
-Olivia’s Imp Scenes still needs to be fixed to match new artwork
-Same for the corrupt church, some of the tatoos, and a few of the other issues that showed up
-Reccomendations system will try to send you to work before you’ve unlocked jobs
-Kitchen PTJ – difficulty for minigame breaks
-Kitchen PTJ – Imp placement issues for olivia during scenes
-Class selection- some grades aren’t applied correctly after you complete the course
-Blessings/curses run off the screen and can go below the screen if you have many of them
-Current character job level won’t update in the stats screen until you change jobs
-Old Waterways recipe tablet (and potentially the nekomata village one as well) are broken and crash without giving recipes
-Start of Combat knockback happens way too long on revisiting the underground waterway


Underground Waterway Revamp:
-Revamped the loss scene upon losing to the slimes while Anya is in your party
-Fleshed out the first section of the waterway, allowing you to complete the first assignment, with more dialog and story to come

New Animation
-Slime W/Anya
Recollections Room
-Implemented Alicia’s prostitution intro scenes into the recolletions room
-Implemented the potion professor’s “special job” into the recollections room
-Implemented the new duo slime scene to the recollection room

-Reduced variance in human pregnancies that could cause them to vary in duration over a full semester in time
-Removed wall maps with the new map screen having basic location functionality and being more up-to-date

-Fixed the game saving a massive amount of data the save file for the forest ruins dungeon
-Fixed Slime Birth glitching out and not showing up(needs more testing to be sure)
-Fixed the forest dungeon breaking completely, doors not spawning, monsters breaking, etc etc
-Fixed a broken secret passageway not allowing travel both ways
-Fixed a series of secret passageways on floor 3 not connecting to their proper locations
-Fixed broken walls in the field allowing you to be knocked outside the playable zone
-Fixed classes from semester 1 not being registered as completed properly
-Fixed Kitchen PTJ not resetting health/end increases from attendance
-Fixed Screen blinking issues during the kitchen PTJ
-Fixed screen blinking issues during mornings
-Fixed the X button bringing up the main menu during combat, preventing it from being used as a combat binding


Room of Recollections
-Added the room of recollections to homeroom, a mysterious room that will allow you to revisit previously viewed scenes
-Only contains the newest slime scene at present

Map Menu Revamp:
-Areas can now be clicked on to see more information – Floor 1 for now
-Added the village area to the map
-Added return to dorm functionality to the new map

New Scene
-Slime Loss Solo – Visible when getting very close to certain slimes on the field and letting them use their special attack

-Returning to the dorm using the map no longer takes time

-Map Labels missing, including map title at the top-left, and grounds map to floor 1 and floor 1 -> grounds map
-Fixed a few halloween decorations lingering around at the wrong time

Known Issues
-Entering from the gardens on day 6 after the tutorial? instantly puts you into potions 1
-Day 9 Anya is in old clothes right after class before showing gardening club
-Day 11 – Vinya’s transport to class doesn’t work
-lots of issues still around the 16th of the first semester. Potential conflicts with the reccomendation system, repeat calls/events if you leave the dungeon, etc etc
-forest dungeon breaks completely, doors not spawning, monsters breaking, etc etc
-save-file size is bloated from saving stuff like enemy positions, crafting recipes (pre-plugin mode), etc etc
-Title Screen still shows old Olivia artwork
-Outfit crystals system for gym/swimming classes still breaks sometimes
-Olivia’s Imp Scenes still needs to be fixed to match new artwork
-Same for the corrupt church, some of the tatoos, and a few of the other issues that showed up
-Eillana’s new imp scenes still have a few issues, particularly around the last leg of the journey
-Reccomendations system will try to send you to work before you’ve unlocked jobs
-Kitchen PTJ doesn’t reset health/end increases from attendance (I swear I fixed this a while ago)
-Kitchen PTJ – difficulty for minigame breaks
-Basic survival course- can be failed/grade doesn’t display properly
-Class selection- some grades aren’t applied correctly after you complete the course
-Blessings/curses run off the screen and can go below the screen if you have many of them
-Current character job level won’t update in the stats screen until you change jobs
-Lots of misc other missing features from the new map menu, including village map and more
-Old Waterways recipe tablet (and potentially the nekomata village one as well) are broken and crash without giving recipes
-Lots of halloween decorations are intangable and you can phase through them
-Some paths on the new map are off(ex-You can’t get from the kitchens into the witchcraft/potions area, the long paths are skipped)
-Wall maps are completely out of date now(and potentially unecessary with the updates coming)


-Map Menu Revamp – The map menu has been redone!
Current features include touch controls! (click to move between maps, and current location tracking(new!)
-Future features include full mouse functionality, with area descriptions, return/teleportation, secret passage tracking, Village Map, and more!
-Until everything is implemented, the new map will be featured as Map(Beta) in the main menu

-Two 3rd floor maps have had travel time reductions


-UI Revamp – Semesters replaced by season(spring, summer, fall, winter), Date and time redone, new Festival Markers signifying big events

– Halloween is here! – Running from the morning of fall 17th to the night of fall 19th, this multi-day event has lots planned, to start, new decorations can be found throughout the castle and grounds, and students will dress up to mark the occassion in fun new outfits!

-This is the first of the festivals to be implemented, and will be expanded over the next few months, it currently has:

-Decorations for several areas of the castle, including the main entry and front, have been added during halloween

-Ghost outfits for several students (walking and standing), as well as new dialog
-Reaper outfits for several students (walking and standing), as well as new dialog

– Characters in the dorms now spawn properly like other characters do, and don’t vanish if you save/leave

-Eillana’s Side Story concludes! Help her delve into the secrets of an ancient magic she is studying… That is certainly a little lewd!

– New Animations – Eillana Cowgirl

– New Starting Course – Basic Survival
-This replaces Artifacts 1 as a starting course and is required, serving as an enhanced tutorial

– Reworked starting semester
-Study is blocked off until after Mana Manipulation 1’s first class
-The waterway dungeon is now required to be visited on the 16th night

– New Activity – Library Books
-Can be checked out from Eillana
-Usually require several time sessions to complete (generally 2-3)
-Give stat boosts or other useful rewards upon completion once per book
-Available books – Seduction for women (+1Charisma)(2), How to be Tough (+1END) (3), Time Organizer (Rec system)(+1WIL)(1), Magical Meditation(+1Int)

-Reccomendation system!
-A new System unlocked by reading a special library book
-When enabled via the key item (Time Organizer) will send you directly to various activities around the castle at the start of each time block
-Requires recieving the book from the library and reading it once to unlock the system
-Defers to any other messages you may recieve during that time block (Mostly tutorial/prostitution calls right now)
-Supports most standard activities (jobs, clubs, studying, dungeons you’ve unlocked, relationships you’ve unlocked)

-Fixed Alicia’s strange noises quest (the intro to her prostitution PTJ) breaking and not showing up in the assignments log
-Fixed several issues causing delays/flashing/double jumps with the message system
-Streamlined Eillana’s introduction scene
-Fixed messaging system breaking in the mornings when classes are chosen
V0.36.1 Bugfixes

-Fixed Eilana trying to read out an object array in her sidestory
-Fixed recommendations systems treating color codes like text
-Fixed recommendation system dropping you off at the wrong places for the forest ruins dungeon
-Fixed nurse and Tavern PTJ locations being swapped in the reccomendations system
-Fixed Time Organizer not properly giving you the key item to configure the system
-Fixed Main Storyline breaking on entering the dungeon on day 16
-Fixed book checkout in the library not allowing you to exit without choosing one
-Fixed Recommendation system calculating all time variables for jobs as if it was morning only
-Fixed recommendation system putting you in the wrong place for some events
-Fixed Vinya’s pull tutorial (and giving of the spell) breaks on morning 11

Known Bugs/Issues
-lots of issues around the 16th of the first semester. Potential conflicts with the reccomendation system, repeat calls/events if you leave the dungeon, etc etc
-Some movement glitches with Anya during the tutorial on day 3ish on the second floor
-Reccomendations system drops you off at PTJs before you unlock them properly
-Sometimes the character’s bust image doesn’t get properly cleared after COMM events(particularly reccomendation system ones)
-COMM system transport fails after tavern and Kitchen PTJs (might be others as well)
-Kitchen PTJ(pantry) seems to be increasing healthy each time you attend
-forest dungeon breaks completely, doors not spawning, monsters breaking, etc etc
-save-file size is bloated from saving stuff like enemy positions, crafting recipes (pre-plugin mode), etc etc
-Title Screen still shows old Olivia artwork
-Outfit crystals system for gym/swimming classes still breaks sometimes
-Olivia’s Imp Scenes still needs to be fixed to match new artwork
-Same for the corrupt church, some of the tatoos, and a few of the other issues that showed up
-Eillana’s new imp scenes still have a few issues, particularly around the last leg of the journey
-Reccomendations system will try to send you to work before you’ve unlocked jobs

How To Install Horny Mage Academy: Dark Tower

  1. Extract
  2. Play the game

Horny Mage Academy: Dark Tower Free Download



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