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Queen in Deficit [v0.29b]


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Queen in Deficit Download Game Final Walkthrough + Inc Patch Latest Version – In this game you play as a newly crowned queen of a little kingdom.

Developer: BrokenTorpedo – Patreon 
Censored: No
OS: Windows
Language: English
Genre: Adult, 2DCG, 2D game, Female protagonist, Fantasy, RPG, Rape, Group sex, Vaginal sex, Exhibitionism

Description Game

In this game you play as a newly crowned queen of a little kingdom, who has to pick up after her father’s untimely death. And how she found out that she could solve many of her problems sexually.​

Screenshots and Gameplay

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Download Queen in Deficit

v0.29b bug fix

  • -Fixed the bug where the crop rotate reform doesn’t work.
  • -Fixed the bug in the war with Bailabaikal, when you lose and successfully escape, the player character become invisible.
  • -Fixed the bug in monthly review there’s miscalculation of the value of the family collection.
  • -Fixed the bug in the conversation with Nighveil when dialogue for two different scenarios both show up.
  • -Other minor fixes


  • -New H-event in the Duke route, this marks the end of the normal Duke route.
  • -New H-event in the Duke Bold action route, this marks the end of the bold action route, you can trigger it outside the bedroom.
  • -Refusal to be contained with the status quo with the Duke can lead to new conversation with Nighveil.
  • -You can also trigger the new conversation with Nighveil, if you subjugated the Duke by force and then lost control of him for 3 times.
  • -Added two new Reforms that further increases tax income.
  • -Minor fixes where spending money in national decision it shows the result immediately.
  • -Minor change to the Duke’s horse ride and hunting events to clarify that the bold event chain is triggered in even-number weeks.
  • -During the bandit event, Verrtignis on world map will now show the strength of the bandits.
  • -Now you can load your save file from the in game menu instead from the start menu.



  • -Fixed the bug at the end of the Duke’s castle mini game the game freeze if you answer “Yes”.
  • -Change the succession event-chain forceful happening to 30 weeks.
  • -Added new rebellion variation: the noble rebels in the rebel system, which will rise up when both Prestige and Prosperity get low.
  • -Added new flavor progression dialogue with some of the NPCs in the hometown.
  • -Added portrait sprite for Lead Prostitute Hedera.
  • -New H and non-H events, one each, in the succession chain.
  • -New progression and H event in the war with the Barbarian line.


  • -Fixed the bug where the barrack’s whore morale raising event chain would skip to the latest scene.
  • -Fixed the bug in the mini game where servants would keep walking after encounter
  • -Fixed the bug in the mini game in some location where the sex sprite would not disappear after the scene.
  • -Fixed the bug in the recollection room where the latest Duke event would start out as unlocked.
  • -Other minor fixes.


  • -New mini game in the Duke’s bold action event chain.
  • -New H-event in the Duke’s bold action event chain.
  • -New H-event in the barrack’s whore morale raising event chain.
  • -Now the succession event-chain will force it selves to happen after 40 weeks even if you don’t clear the southern trade route bandit.
  • -Decreased the negative effect of lower morale in battle.
  • -Other minor fixes.


  • -Fixed the bug so the repeatable Big Beggar card game actually works as intended now.
  • -Fixed the bug with missing audio file “slapping_piggimon_366386_OneShot”
  • -Fixed the title so it now says 0.26 instead of 0.25.
  • -Other minor fixes.


  • -New H-event in the Barbarian cultural event chain.
  • -New H-event in the Duke’s bold action event chain.
  • -The game now notifies you of available reform when expanding bureaucracy.
  • -Other minor fixes.


  • -Fixed the bug with idle assistant officials number, for real this time.
  • -Fixed multiple dark screen bugs and a few wrong respawn point bugs in the recollection room.
  • -Fixed the bug so you don’t get kicked out of the Bar and loop the same conversation every time you ask Nighveil for the card game rule.

-Fixed the bug where new game doesn’t start where it should.
-Fixed the bug where the starting event of the next stage of the war would stuck.
-Fixed the bug with idle assistant officials number.

-Fixed the bug where next stage of the war with the Barbarian won’t trigger properly
-Fixed the bug where it wrongfully display the WIP message when you won battle against Barbarian when you haven’t.

-New stage of the war with the Barbarian.
-New H-event when lose in said stage.
-New H-event follow up to the nude meeting.
-Fixed the bug where bad end won’t trigger organically instead you will be stock with a black screen.
-Added marker on the steward at the beginning, make it so new player will notice him.

-New H-event with Gerard
-New H-event in the succession chain.
-Added the new “Reform” category in the throne room decisions,the tax base is now nerfed, and can be raise by this.
-Fixed the bug where sometimes speak with Nighveil’s “Bailabaikal” option won’t show up properly
-Other minor changes.

-Two New H-events with the Duke.
-Consequence for low trust with the Barbarian Tribe added.
-Added the option to bath in the bathroom in the second floor once per term/week, that recovers a bit of SP.
-Redraw the boobs of the Queen’s character portraits.
-Fixed the bug where the MiniEvet for the guard near the gate wouldn’t happen.
-Other minor changes.

-New H-event in the succession chain.
-New rebellion system, peasant might revolt when Prosperity gets low.
-Succession chain events in the recollection room, including the major non-H one.
-New H- event in the Barbarian Tribe trust earning line.
-Bug fixes, mostly graphical error.
-Other minor changes.

-Fixed the bug where the advenced options with Duke conquered won’t show up.
-Fixed the bug when skipping the reconstruction inspection the option of investing more money into it won’t show up.
-Other minor fixes.

-Fixed the bug with the Duke’s horse ride scene where the game is unable to play a misfiled audio file.
-Fixed the bug with the recollection version of Rite of Passage where the player character won’t show up after it ended.

-One new mini H-Event of Blow Job, triggers with two guards in town when with low morale.
-Lewd graffiti around the city will be unlocks after certain events.
-Confessional in the church now can be used to lower one’s impurity, once a week.
-New story event that sabotages your efforts in the Barbarian Tribe.
-New H- event in the Barbarian Tribe trust earning line.
-Included the Falcon-mkxp launcher, A performance enhancement that can be used instead of the Game.exe, and hopefully any compatibility issue has been worked out.
-Adjusted how tax is calculated
-Bug fix now the in the Carmelli reconstruction event chain unlocks properly for new players.v0.21b
-Fixed the bug with the Duke’s horse ride scene where the game is unable to play a misfiled audio file.
-Fixed the bug with the recollection version of Rite of Passage where the player character won’t show up after it ended.v0.20a
-One new mini H-Event of Blow Job, triggers with two guards in town when with low morale.
-Lewd graffiti around the city will be unlocks after certain events.
-Confessional in the church now can be used to lower one’s impurity, once a week.
-New story event that sabotages your efforts in the Barbarian Tribe.
-New H- event in the Barbarian Tribe trust earning line.
-Included the Falcon-mkxp launcher, A performance enhancement that can be used instead of the Game.exe, and hopefully any compatibility issue has been worked out.
-Adjusted how tax is calculated
-Bug fix now the in the Carmelli reconstruction event chain unlocks properly for new players.

-Repeatable H-events in the Carmelli reconstruction event chain, with the option to finish inside.
-New H-event in the barrack’s morale raising options.
-Added the last Carmelli reconstruction H-scene’s recollection version, which was left out in the last version.
-Changed the game icon.
-Added an extra control sheet in the game folder, since a lot of players didn’t know those exist.
-Other minor changes and bug fixes.

-Fixed the bug where the latest nude meeting scene won’t play properly.

-New H-event in the Carmelli reconstruction event chain.
-New H-event follow up to the nude meeting.
-Added a guide to the card game with Nighveil.
-Remade the world map.
-Other minor changes.

-Fixed the bug where the game bugs out when you visit the Duke on week 4.
-Readjust the event so all three of the Duke’s bold action events have the same chance of repeating.
-Other minor fixes

-Fixed the bug with one thug on the left side of the city that freezes the game.
This is the only notable one, others are all pretty minor.

-New H-event in the Carmelli reconstruction event chain.
-One mini H-Event against the wall, for now it only triggers with one thug on the left side of the city, and another man with blue headcloth in the slum.
-Now when making peace with Floranerica, the “Seek Alternative Method” with the Duke will lead to the Duke scenes with small dialogue variation.
-The discretion of the diplomatic options during war will work and reflect the VP you have against the opponent
-More chatting dialogue with Williamina.
-Carmelli’s broken bridge cut-scene after the first time you turned down the opportunity, will now only occurs at week 3 and 4.
-Other minor changes.

-Bug fixes:
=Fixed the bug where the tar oil scene misplays before the first arena fight.
=Fixed the bug where after winning the second arena fight the screen doesn’t fade back in.
=Fixed the bug of the tribal nude meeting event where it skips straight to the repeating version of the second one.
=Fixed the bug where in the second Barbarian cultural event, it has no effect when choosing to let Teghrian attend.
=Attempted to fix the bug where player using Joiplay on android got frozen in the barbarian route’s progression event, more of an experiment, not guaranteed to work.

-New H-event with the Barbarian cultural event chain
-New H-event of Williamina in the arena of Verrtignis.
-Simple chating option with Williamina in the Palace, though the content is still very lacking at the moment.

-Fixed the bug where the new Carmelli H-event was somehow blocked.

-New event chain triggered after the Barbarian Chief’s second scene.
-New H-event with the event chain mentioned above, trigger by talking to the Chief.
-New H-event in the Carmelli reconstruction event chain.
-Some other minor changes.
-Bug fix:
=Fixed the bug with the cold down of the locust plague.
=Fixed the bug of the Barbarian Chief’s second scene’s recollection version.

-New H-event with the Duke.
-New H-event for the Barbarian in the hostage’s resident.
-Some new random events.
-Some visual change in the main town corresponding to the statues.

-New H-event in the Carmelli reconstruction event chain.
-New H-event follow up to the nude meeting.
-Reworked the Immediate Conscription decision.
-Minor dialog update for the repeatable horseback scene.

How To Install Game Queen in Deficit

  1. Extract
  2. Play the game

Queen in Deficit Free Download



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