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Bawdy Traditions [v1.2]


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Bawdy Traditions Download Game Final Walkthrough + Inc Patch Latest Version – A married couple travel to a town in the middle of the mountains to make an article about..

Developer: Aedirn Studios Patreon
Censored: No
OS: Windows
Language: English
Genre: Adult, 2D Game, 3DCG, Exhibitionism, Group Sex, Multiple Penetration, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Vaginal Sex, RPG, NTR, Corruption, Female Protagonist, Male Protagonist, Multiple Protagonists, Exhibitionism, Groping

Description Game

A married couple travel to a town in the middle of the mountains to make an article about their traditions and festivals but things start to get out of control. The first impressions of the town are very good, but the villagers seem to be a little in need of affection. How will Leyna manage to be the only attractive woman in the area??​

Screenshots and Gameplay

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Download Bawdy Traditions
Download Bawdy Traditions

What does it include? Well in this new version I have expanded the 6 endings to better understand each ending.

Also I have added a little detail at the end to thank the people who have helped me, but this detail is temporary, because I want to improve the video a lot.

– 6 endings (several of them still to be expanded and improved, especially the low corruption one).

– Many bug fixes

– Several lines that were left untranslated have been translated (I might have missed some of them, if so let me know)

Save 1: High Corruption, Johan satisfies Leyna sexually.

Save 2: Low Corruption

Save 3: High Corruption, Johan does NOT satisfy Leyna sexually.

Save 4: Medium Corruption.

I have to inform you about a couple of very very important things about this version, the first and most important is that unfortunately you have to play from the night festival event (the one where Leyna has to work at the food stall) to avoid bugs that affect this new version, I apologize but it is absolutely necessary.

The other thing is that the last event of this version is still to be finished, you can get to the end of it and it is still an event but in the route of more corruption the final big part is missing (which I will deliver next week)

This version includes:
three new events:
– the duel
– photo session at the festival
– the ritual
– four repeatable mini-events at the festival
– Bug fixes
– b: added invisible text boxes before continuing to the following images so that you can enjoy them without the text being in the way

-New event “night party at the festival”
-Modified NPC dialog at the festival when Leyna went alone before the last event
-Correct some spelling errors
-Fixed bugs on the inn that causes people to be trapped behind the desk
-Changes in the ” anal in a food stall ” add a final decision and some changes in dialogue

-New Event “Try New Toys”
-New mayor of show “anal in food stalls”

  • Dangerous script correction
    -How bug fixes

-Warbar’s “bar job part 1”, “Johan and Alexa?” and “Bar Job Part 2”
-How bug fixes
Good afternoon friends, here we bring a new version of the Bawdy tradition!
WARNING! You must repeat the scene of the last shooting Johan and Leyna together to avoid bugs in the actual version.

The program -New event after a photo session.

  • New program with Alexa, “truth or brave”
    -New Event “Flashback”
    -How bug fixes


  • New program on hotsprings.
    Events -New event with photographers.


  • New shows on the river
    Bug repaired:
  • If you don’t do a prison program when you find prisoners in the forest, the conversation is different, and then the prison event disappears (it makes sense).
  • If you don’t do a bottle program (where you find children at night and you have to get alcohol from a grocery store). When you meet them at night at Bonfire’s show, you recognize it from an adult celebration, but not from before. This event will be available later if you want to do it.
  • We delete the corruption point from 15-16 around, and we use decisions instead.
  • We detected many people trapped between the first entrances at Johan’s festival and dreams, so we blocked the entrance to force you to talk to workers again
  • Minor bug fixes and typo errors

Bonfire program.
Hide and seek

One big event at the festival with animation
Some minor bug fixes

Find work for Leyna
Leyna’s dream.
Hotsprings with Alexa.

Police Station: You cannot do the event when Leyna is alone
Choose Flowers: You can’t enter here before talking to all work deals
Alexa Festival: You will not be arrested when viewing Alexa in the forest

4 new scenes (casinos, photoshoots, massages and food)

We have improved and expanded dialogue from the following events:
Bar 1 theme.
Scene with men by bar
Bar Two: Betting
In general, increasing some loose dialogue to make more sense events.

New event:
Police station
Night party
Mini-scene before the entrance at the festival
“Guide Guide” is also added.

How To Install Game Bawdy Traditions

  1. Extract
  2. Play the game

Green apples
Guys southeast
East lake
When husband leaves her alone …
1. Go to the bar
2. Talk to the photographer for a photo session
3. Go to the hot springs
4. Talk to the photographer for a new photo session
5. Talk to Alexa
6. When Johan returns talk to the photographer for a new photo session
7. Walk in direction of hot springs but this time you will find a angry old man, talk to him… his son is a drunk guy in southeast of town, talk with him, go to grocery “General goods” and click on the wooden box then return this to the old angry dad.

1. Go to police station and talk with the prisioner.
2. Go to cloth store and talk to merchant after that go to fitting room.
3. Return to Inn and go to bed, wait until the night (yes)… go out and talk with the group near the park (down of the poster) after that go to Inn and Sleep. So, in the next day go to grocery “General goods” and by some liquors. Return to Inn and wait until the night (yes)… go out and talk the group again.
4. Walk into the festival place (west of hot springs) talk with the guy two times, return to Inn and go to sleep.
5. When Johan wake up talk with Leyna and go to festival.

1. In the festival you can choose two options eat fruit or not (if you eat more corruption and Leyna will have sex with stragers or not eat less corruption.)
2. Cassino/lottery (Automatic)
3. Enter in the park (Center of festival)
4. Go to the tent food next to the entrance to the festival.
if Leyna eat fruit then scene with Worker’s Son
else kick Guy away
5. Go to massage parlor (above of the casino)
if Leyna eat fruit then scene with David
else Johan can choose go see Leyna or not (“See her” is a best choice!)
6. When Johan leaves her alone… Go to Photographer and talk about new photoshoot.
7. Go to grocery “General goods” and talk to woman.
8. Go to the bar and talk with bartender
9. Go to the Hot springs and talk to woman about job she will talk about the flower in the festival place (same place where you eat fruit or not)
10. Take all flowers and return to Hot springs (Alexa scene!)
11. After work go outside and you will see Johan in middle of road (automatic)… go to festival place with him.
12. Inside the festval worker will talk about the ritual… the old man will offer you an infusion made with the fruit
Drink ( Open Blowjob scene )
Pretend to drink ( Open Handjob scene )
13. Now you need to find the young man… He is in the park the right side of the house with dragon statue.
Two choices:
Help him:
If Leyna drink infusion then blowjob scene.
else Handjob
end scene.
14. Return to Inn
15. Talk to the group of guys (The same as the liquor quest)
If Leyna Help young guy (Blowjob/Handjob) then he will blackmail her… (Group blowjob scene).
else Johan comes back and… (Penis competition scene).
16. Near the tree talk with Alexa and her husband… Alexa will suggest play a game of hide and seek. Leyna go hide in middle of trees but prisoner appears…
If Leyna fight back she will scape
else Leyna surrender then prisioner will fuck Leyna ( Sex Scene ).


1. After Prisioner Scene she goes to the park to meet Johan, Alexa and her husband… after some alcohol with a villager they go to river/lake… ( Intercrural Scene).
2. Next morning… Go to hotsprings with Johan (Auto)
3. Talk to the photographer:
(I). Do it:
Intervene: Soft and Hard scene (prone fuck)
Say nothing: Hardcore scene / facial
4. Johan gets angry because realizes he’s losing his wife … (WARNING IMPORTANT CHOICE!)
(I). I can’t take the pressure:
Johan think about Leyna and other guy during sex…
(II). NONSENSE! I’ll do my best:
Johan fuck his wife like a horse!
5. Go to the Bar for a beer… and play True or Dare.
(I). Choice Alexa or Leyna:
Different dialogue!
(II). Choice STOP! or …….
Johan gets angry…
If ……… :
Paralyzed Johan watches his wife give a deepthroat for a strange guy….


After this go to hotsprings! Leyna will remember the last time she work in the hotsprings…
Go back to the bar and talk to barman for a waitress job.
Johan and alexa scene:
(I). Go with alexa:
Johan fuck this hot skinny girl…
(II). No
Johan go back to the Inn
As Leyna go to the bar again and talk to barman
(I) I will work like this:
agree to work with exposed breasts the exposure makes Leyna horny then she accept sit on the lap of the young villager
(II) No, I can’t do it:
disagree to work with exposed breasts then she refuse sit on the lap of the young villager but he has a dirty plan.
(a). Keep still
Leyna keep looking at dick hard
(b). nope
She left…
As Johan go to the bar looking for Leyna, but leyna is not here. Johen decides stay for a beer and a villager start talk to him.
Go back to the Inn.
After Leyna solo scene, as Johan go to Inn and talk to Innkeeper about a package.
Go out and meet Leyna the barman will appear and say for Leyna work as waitress at festival.

Bawdy Traditions Free Download

Android: MEGA


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