Chinese translation added
- Quest redirection button added in quest UI
- Affection Quests can all be accessed now
- gathering spots can now be revisited
- Side quests partly linked on the mini-map
- Luna’s affection story added
- Navigation System Revamped
- Mini-map added
- Quest markers added
- Moon Garden Explorable
- Sophia’s night time cut scenes added
- Time Gate Removed
List of Changes:
- Elf Kingdom story finished
- Four new scenes added
- Gallery fixed
- All gathering quests completed
List of Changes:
- Second half of elf story completed
- Four new h-scenes added to the elf story
- New puzzle games added to the elf story
- New cutscenes added to the elf story
- Two Short stories for Aceso added with two new cut scenes
- New character Daisy added in Aceso’s story
- Prologue of the game rewritten with new cut scenes and story
- Valeria makes an early appearance on day 3
- New fight with Aella added in the darkseeds invasion on day 5 with three new cut scenes
- New title screen
Town of Lust revamped with more dialogue and NPCs to talk with
Labyrinth of Sweet Dream added as a new Gallery for the demon route
Gallery functionality replaced by Quinn’s Memory Palace and Labyrinth of Sweet Dream
New character Tihana and a new scene with her added
* Update on Moon Island. More angels to talk to. A short event with Luna, and a hot spring for MP regeneration
* All Luna’s models revamped
* Main Angel Route updated with news characters, cutscenes and new animations
* Angelina’s first scene revamped
* Vanaland’s map updated with new angels and a new scene to boot
* Nest of Knowledge revamped with new dialogue and lore
* Memory Palace added in the Nest of Knowledge with Quinn and a new scene with her
* Sophia’s bed scene revamped with dialogue rewritten
* Angelina’s story revamped(new writing, one new h scene with Angelina, new model for Angelina for the baking section, new model for Mira, new model for Fiona, new revamped h scene for Angelina)
* Angel main story chapter3 revamping(Accalia’s manor is redesigned, early parts of the story is being revamped, Accalia’s h scene revamped with two new animations. New model for Farah )
* Bugfixes
* OwO Cuddling Cafe added in Vanaland Residential District with a new character Mabel and a new H-scene with her
* Grand Cathedral expanded a little bit(four new zones and some background images revamped)
* Main story Charlotte Curing revamped (animation and story mostly reworked and Charlotte’s model updated)
* Louise’s model and H-scenes updated (with more details and better lighting)
* Main story Luna Rescue updated (Accalia’s manor reworked, new H-scenes replaced the old ones, and a new maid Amelia added to the story)
* A new mini-game Blackjack added to the casino
* New food items added in casino exchange
* Lauren’s challenge added in the casino
* Grand Cathedral expanded
* Two new characters Mia and Chloe with short events added in the Grand Cathedral
* Main story chapter 2 revamped with updated background art, dialogue, and H scenes.
* Eleanor’s model updated and one new H scene added in the main story
* Luna’s side story completed
* All backgrounds in Luna’s side story are revamped
* All H-scenes in Luna’s side story are revamped
* New character Elizabeth added in Luna’s side story
* Casino shop added
* Casino Kristine’s ‘special service’ added
* Slot machine added in casino
* New character Lauren added in casino
* New ‘Hide’ button added for mobile version
* The story in Seablue Island is rewritten
* The story of Moira is also rewritten
* Backgrounds in Seablue Island is revamped
* Some backgrounds in Town of Lust is revamped
* Moira’s model and H-scenes are all remade
* Alanis’s model and H-scenes are all remade
* Pamela’s model is revamped
* Amor’s model is revamped
* Angelina’s H-scenes in Seablue Island’s arc are revamped
* Crystal’s model is revamped
* Crystal’s H-scenes in Seablue Island’s arc are revamped
* One new scene for Accalia in the Dark Swamp
* New area – Residential District is added in Vanaland
* New character Diana and her short event are added in Floral Workshop in Vanaland
* New Louise’s side story is added
* Resting Church storyline expaned.
* Valentina’s model reworked
* Valentina’s first H-scene reworked
* All background images in Resting Church reworked
* Three new characters Fidelia, Catherine, and Hadria introduced in the Resting Church storyline
* Five new H-scenes are added in the new Resting Church storyline
* Luna’s model revamped
* Moon house onsen scene reworked and rewritten.
* Two new moon house onsen scenes added in the original story
* Eden Arena side story wrapped up
* Alessia’s model revamped
* Victoria’s model revamped
* Accalia’s model revamped
– Bugfixes
– New side story Miracle Practitioner added in the Hall of Holy Magic.
– New character Lydia added in Hall of Holy Magic
– H scene with Sophia added in the prologue
– Demon route is now accessible. Renee will appear when the timer reaches 2:00am
– New short event with Andra added in the Hall of Guardians
– New short event with Charlotte added in the Hall of Guardians
– Vanaland exploration area added
– Day-night cycle in Vanaland added
– Chapter1 exposition revamped
– New characters Kristine and Gabriella are added in early game
– Christmas event story revamped
– Christmas hide-andseek mini game added
– All christmas H-scenes reworked
– Two new characters with new outfits and H-scenes joined the christmas event
* All H-scenes of Eleanor have been reworked and rewritten
* First gathering mission of Elves’ Realm expanded
* Second gathering mission of Elves’ Realm added
* Luna can now receive gifts to increase affection
* Luna’s affection story added
* Bugfixes
* First Dungeon in the Tower of Sun added
* Seven new enemies and two new weapons added in the first dungeon
* Blacksmith Forge added in Vanaland where you can upgrade your weapons
* Hot spring in the Little Moon House upgraded
* Hot spring upgrade materials added in gathering missions
* Gifts can now be made in the Little Bakery
* Sophia and Angelina affection stories added
* Bugfixes
* Seven levels of Heaven level2 completed
* Seven levels of Heaven level3 completed
- City of lust is expanded
- Olivia side quest wrapped in
- The main angel route stage 2 is mostly rewritten
- Dark swarm maze expanded on the main Angel route stage 2
- Main Stage 2 Angel Route Completed
- Music added in the nest of knowledge, a small house, the realm of crystal, large cathedral, Eden, bordin paradise and pure love manor