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New Years Day E [Ch. 5 v0.5.0]


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New Years Day E Download Game Final Walkthrough + Inc Patch Latest Version – is the continuing story of a single father and his stepdaughters..

Developer: Jonesy – Twitter – Patreon
Censored: No
Version: Ch. 5 v0.5.0
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac
Language: English
Genre: Adult, 3dcg, animated, male protagonist, incest, vaginal sex, oral sex, teasing, groping, lesbian, sex toys, voyeurism,

Description Game

New Year’s Day(e) is the continuing story of a single father (MC) and his stepdaughters,
Evelynne (Eve) and Dayton (Daye) and their friends Becky and Kaylee.
This is the sequel to the story “Christmas Eve”. If you haven’t read that,
I encourage you to read it first, but it’s not absolutely necessary in order to enjoy this story.

This is a love story of acceptance, coming of age,
and healing as the MC’s family and friends continue to come to terms with their developing
feelings for each other and their grief felt for the MC’s late wife, Heather.

Developer Notes:
I tried. I really did. I just couldn’t wait the whole week. So, here it is. Chapter 1 of the sequel to Christmas Eve – New Year’s Day(e)!
I feel I have grown a lot as a dev in the past few months, and I hope it shows here. Please, play it and let me now what you think.
I can’t wait to see if you like it even a fraction as much as I do. (Of course I kinda know what happens next, so…)
~ Jonesy

Screenshots and Gameplay

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New Years Day E Download
New Years Day E Download
New Years Day E Download


This chapter picks up exactly where chapter 4 left off. It will address the issues with Mercedes and Portia. It will also answer some questions you might have about the MC’s background and his relationship with his late wife.

As I’ve said before, this chapter is a little shorter than normal. While it has a decent amount of content, it mostly serves as a setup for the final chapter.

We finally get to see what happened after that really rough ending of chapter 3.
I’m sure Daye, Eve, Randall and the rest of gang can figure something out.
Anyway, I hope you have fun. I hope you enjoy it. Let me know how you liked it!
Sorry for the big file size. Just know that it’s packed with lots of good stuff.
Also, guess who learned how to port their games to Android? That’s right! Now, did I do a good job compressing the images? That’s up for debate.
By the way, did you notice any tags missing from this game’s description? That’s right. No more “Kinetic Novel” for me. There’s choices to make…starting in chapter 2.
As always, thank you for your continued interest in my stories.

This is chapter 3. It has taken a little longer than usual for me to get this out, but I have been having a rough time this year. Luckily, I have creative outlets like this one to help channel negative energy into. Enough about my boring life. What about this chapter?!
In this chapter, we will see the resolution of the problems between Kaylee and her mom. We will meet Becky’s little sister Olivia and uncover some as of yet unknown things about the MC’s past. I’ve tried to include a few foreshadowing clues here and there, some are more subtle than others, so keep an eye out.
We will also see how the big New Year’s party is shaping up and there are some really great things that happen with our titular characters.
While I touted earlier that this chapter is not nearly as dark as chapter 2, I will say that for the majority if the time this is true, but watch out for the ending of this one, it’s a doozy.

I have received a lot of feedback about NYD chapter 2 over the past couple of weeks. Some was good, some was not so good. All of it is greatly appreciated, so thanks! It’s because of this feedback that some errors were brought to my attention. It seems that I failed at conveying certain ideas, and in doing so, kinda screwed up the whole tone/feel of the story. I Have gone back and rewritten several parts of the story. While the overarching story line hasn’t really changed, the MC’s character arch is much more clear. I think that this update is a much more comprehensive version of the story I originally set out to tell in chapter 2. I think it stays more true to the original tone of Christmas Eve and NYD Chapter 1.

So, feel free to download v0.2.4 and replay it to get the full understanding of what was going on in the MC’s head during all of this drama, and let me know what you think.

Sorry for not getting it right the first time around, but, hey, that’s what the phrase “in development” means, right?
Chapter 2

Almost 1000 renders, and almost the same amount of code as the entirety of Christmas Eve, this chapter is big!

How To Install Game New Years Day E

  1. Extract
  2. Play the game

New Years Day E Free Download



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