[Main Character]
- Improved controllability of the main character in a jump
- Reduced fall damage by 10%
- Added 3 major story cutscenes
- Added 7 short story cutscenes
- Added 2 shower scenes
- Added 2 respawn scenes
- Added 6 short cutscenes on old location for better quest navigation
- Added new Med Item: ReGen Cap
- Added new Med Item: D-TOXn Cap
- Rebalanced Adrenaline Modulator V-12
- The range of the Echonyx Vision implant has been increased
- Added map: Power Core
- Reworked map: Workshops Sector 6
- Added location: Maintenance Compartment
- Added location: Power Core
- Added flashing light beacons to make it easier to finding the way through the main story
- Blocked small routes to places that disoriented players
- Workshops: Sector 6 location has been expanded
- Added ambient sounds to various locations
- Increased volume of voices in cut scenes
[Save System]
- Completely reworked save/load system
- Added a new game save menu
- Added a new game loading menu
- Added “Continue” button to the main menu to load the last save
- Added new enemy model
- Changed location and chance of respawning old enemies
- Redesigned game difficulty selection menu
- A new quick notification system (QNS) has been added
- The new QNS will display pictures of items, items needed, items used, and more
- Added UI Scaling for Multiple Resolutions
- A new story puzzle has been added
- Added electric traps that cause physical damage
- Added fire sources that deal physical damage
- Added 4 new collectible cards
- Added 7 backstory notes and emails
- Added additional points in the questline to make it easier to understand what to do
- Added new visual effects
- Added camera shake effect while shooting
Changelog v.0.2.1:
[Main Character]
- Fixed weight painting for all types of AstroTech Peon outfits.
- Added new hairstyle: One-Side Implant.
- Updated cornea material for eyes.
- Reduced Spreader respawn chance in Sector 9.
- Reduced running speed of the Spreader.
- Adjusted placement of some Sporerpops to improve visibility.
- Fixed Nav Mesh (pathfinding) issues in Sector 8.
- Increased Spreader head size during aggro.
[Video Gallery]
- Added all cutscenes to the gallery on the main terminal (8 cutscenes total).
- Added a new “Missions” section to the journal [J].
- Included logs of “Completed Missions” in the Missions section.
- Added a “Collected Notes” section to the journal.
- Improved video memory usage.
- Fixed issues causing freezes in streaming level areas.
- Map stations now allow players to download a map of the location.
- Added the ability to access the map at any time by pressing the [M] key.
- Added a list of all downloaded maps to the Map UI.
- Added missing notes and emails.
- Improved lighting for better optimization.
- Added world boundaries: going beyond the textures will result in the character’s death.
- Fixed a bug where the main character’s feet would get stuck in textures after dying from a fall.
- Changed the location of the Sirin collection card.
- Added an option to invert the camera axis in control settings.
- Changed size and crosshair transparency.
Changelog v0.2.0:
- New Workshops: Sector 7, Sector 8, Sector 9
- New Main Laboratories: Sector 1
- Added Brightness Settings to Video Settings
- Added Motion Blur Settings to Video Settings
- Added Audio Settings (Master, Music, SFX, Voice)
- Added Infection Screen Warning
- Added Health Screen Warning
- Oni – Added coughing sound from infection
- Oni – Added damage sound when receiving physical damage
- Added sound of fuse blowing on the emergency door
- Added music in safe rooms
- Added new theme in Main Menu
- Added environment event sounds
[Main Character]
- Added fall damage system
- Added crouching aim system
- Added Ambient Occlusion effect to the main character’s material
- Reworked physical model of the main character (physics of body parts, ragdoll)
- Added health system
- Added infection system
- Increased stamina at all difficulty levels
- Increased C-Scanner battery at all difficulty levels
- Oni – Changed jump animations with and without weapon
- Oni – Added animation of aiming while crouching
- Oni – Improved crouching animation
- Added 18 variants of NSFW animations
- Added flashlight on the weapon
- Added VFX to the hit point
- All doors open faster
- Added VFX to fuse damage in the emergency door
- New NPC: Clarissa
- New NPC: Mark
- New NPC: Bob
- New enemy: Sporepop
- New enemy: Spreader
- New enemy: Burgeon (4 variants)
- New 6 big NSFW cutscenes
- New 5 small cutscenes
- Added a system of cutscenes depending on the state of the main character
- New AstroTech Peon outfit in three variants
- New AstroMed P2 outfit in two variants
- Added elevators (small and big)
- New puzzle: Repair Power Panel
- Maps – Added green zone for Safe Rooms
- Added 14 new collection cards
- Added 8 new lore tablets
- Added 9 new lore emails
- New Main Menu screen
[Character Movement]
- Improved jumping – Added more control over the character in the air
- Flashlight – Extended light range of the flashlight
- Name changed to C-Scanner
- Added a video gallery in the main terminal
- All the main scenes have been added to the gallery and converted into a looped version, with various camera positions and playback speed
- Added a button to skip part of the cut scene
- In all cutscenes, all voice acting has been replaced
- Added mouth animation when speaking
- Update fluid in cut scenes
- Reworked cutscene with the dead guard
- Improved camera focus in all cut scenes
- Ventilation shafts – The long ventilation shafts were replaced with service rooms/corridors in which the character can run.
- New rooms added to the Animal Stasis Labs compartment
- Added sounds for background devices
- The volume of sounds has been better calibrated
- The AI voice was replaced with an actor’s voiceover for the main character
- Brightness – Added brightness settings to the pause menu
- Added spore effects near infected areas
- A screen has been added to the door of the ventilation shaft for better visibility
- Improved texture quality of the main character
– Workshops (Security Room) – Сhanged location of Vectra collection card
– Crew tier (Stasis Lab) – Сhanged location of Stellara collection card
– Added Emergency Battery Recharge for weapon. If you use up all the ammunition, 1 battery charge for the weapon will be restored (10 sec)[Cutscenes]
– Big Toy – Added wet spots to the body
– Big Toy – Added wet spots to the toy
– Big Toy – Added face animation (some emotions)
– Big Toy – Changed light position and add new light sources
– Two Brothers – The cutscene was reduced by 35% (105 sec shorter)
– Two Brothers – Added wet spots to the MC body
– Two Brothers – Changed light position
– End of Prologue – Added new effects[Bio-Scanner]
– Flashlight – Increased light radius of the flashlight but reduced intensity
– Flashlight – Fixed a bug when the flashlight battery was completely discharged, the bio-scanner screen continued to light up
– Player Status – Fixed a bug where the player status interface did not open when holding down [Ctrl][Locations]
Animal Stasis Labs – Added new rooms[Outfits]
– Added new AstroLab Outfit[Other]
– Workshops (Security Room) – Added a hint to the door
– Added new tablets and emails with side-stories and hints
– Added map of Workshop Bay
– Added glow effect to power cables
Prologue Release